h2zero / n-able-Arduino

An arduino core for ARM based BLE devices supported by the NimBLE stack.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Custom NRF51822 QFAA will advertise but won't connect #35

Closed intakenick closed 5 months ago

intakenick commented 6 months ago

Hi there @h2zero - I'm having an issue getting my custom design to connect using NRFconnect. It's odd: all of the other functionality works (GPIO, sleep, i2c) and my BLE server test code works as far as it shows up in advertising but fails to connect. I've tried the same code on a cheap generic development board and it works fine. The schematic is identical minus the 32khz crystal (I'm not using one in my design). Any idea what might be happening here? I'm using a 10ppm 16mhz crystal for the main clock.

h2zero commented 6 months ago

Not sure what is happening there, what are you using for the LF clock source? Do you have another board you can try this on?

intakenick commented 5 months ago

I discovered the cause of this issue: the capacitors on my crystal were chosen based on Nordic's nrf51822 reference design (22pF) and not to the datasheet (12pF). Swapping the XTAL caps did the trick. Thanks for your great work on this core!

h2zero commented 5 months ago

Awesome, glad you found the issue!