h3rald / min

A small but practical concatenative programming language and shell
MIT License
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documentation/code cleanup #190

Closed jo-he closed 1 year ago

jo-he commented 1 year ago

Hi Fabio,

thanks for creating min! It's really fun to work with.

Between documentation and code, I found some discrepancies this commit addresses - besides some leftovers from older releases and typos.

Additionally, the examples in site/contents/reference-net.md are somehow broken beyond syntax. I couldn't mange to get them working with min 0.37.0. Seems that internally, file descriptors are not properly passed.

Regards, Jo

h3rald commented 1 year ago

Thanks! Most of the corrections look fine, except one code change I am not sure was intended.

As for the net examples... they were working once, at least. What version of Nim did you use? Or did you try the pre-built executables? If so which OS?

jo-he commented 1 year ago

Well, actually all changes are intended. Which one are you referring to? Maybe the orphaned alias =~ of the already removed regex operator?

The net examples fail at least with the pre-build Linux executable. E.g. using strace, I saw that 8192 (which looks more like a buffer size) was passed as file descriptor to send.

h3rald commented 1 year ago

You are right! OK, all good then, merging...

I will investigate the net examples. Thanks a lot for this!

h3rald commented 1 year ago

I tried the server example on my linux VPS running Ubuntu and the pre-built example works... or better, there are mistakes because the = sigil no longer exists (I'll fix that) so the =srv and =cli assignments have to be changed to :srv and :cli respectively, but other than that the server seems to start correctly at least.

jo-he commented 1 year ago

Thanks for merging! Meanwhile I couldn't reproduce the issue I had with the first two net examples (connectand listen). But, regarding the last one (recv-line), I'll open a proper issue.