Closed JoshyPHP closed 9 years ago
Thanks for mentioning this. I haven't seen matrix->include->php yet and the site does not check for that, for now :)
About that library thing, i need to find out where that information in gathered, it could either by your travis configuration or the package state on packagist, but later should be fine.
For what it's worth, I checked the data returned by knplabs/packagist-api
and the package is correctly identified as a library.
include __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$client = new Packagist\Api\Client;
foreach ($client->get('s9e/text-formatter')->getVersions() as $version)
echo $version->getVersion(), ' is a ', $version->getType(), "\n";
Also of note: while dev-master
is categorized as Not a PHP library
, the other branches are shown as Partially tested
even though they are not tested at all. They don't have a .travis.yml
is now recognized as a PHP Build :fireworks:
The other branches can not be parsed, because they do not contain a .travis.yml
file, as you might know.
Awesome, thanks. status Package's .travis.yml Package's composer.json
The test suite passes with flying colors on Travis and the composer.json file declares the package as a library. HHVM is enabled in .travis.yml in matrix->include->php rather than in the php key directly, could that be the problem here? I use matrix->include to control the order in which the builds are executed.