h4h13 / Paisa

Expense manager for Android with Material Design
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Paisa v. 6.1.1 doesn't start on GrapheneOS and others Android ROM #480

Closed Maxsi90 closed 1 week ago

Maxsi90 commented 1 month ago

Paisa v. 6.1.1 doesn't start on GrapheneOS, even if the exploit protection compatibility mode is activated. Previous version (6.0.8) works flawless.

Bosnier commented 1 month ago

It doesn't start on ColorOS either.

dev-leom commented 1 month ago

Same for hyper OS (xiaomi.eu rom)

vanilladrop commented 1 month ago

Same behavior on OneUI 6.1 Is this a general failure to launch the app?

aornus commented 1 month ago

MIUI 14.0.8 can't open tooπŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€.

FosRexx commented 1 month ago

Same issue: Android: crDroid 10.5 (Android 14) Device: Poco X3 Pro (vayu) App Source: IzzyOnDroid F-Droid Repo

Here is the filtered system log from MatLog (org.omnirom.logcat) with filter dev.hemanths.paisa:

06-12 17:29:32.351 I/ActivityTaskManager(872): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=dev.hemanths.paisa/.MainActivity bnds=[217,317][432,670]} with LAUNCH_SINGLE_TOP from uid 10409 (BAL_ALLOW_ALLOWLISTED_COMPONENT) result code=0
06-12 17:29:32.351 V/WindowManagerShell(1394): Transition requested (#1590): android.os.BinderProxy@d8e9cd4 TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=1640 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=dev.hemanths.paisa/.MainActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{dev.hemanths.paisa/dev.hemanths.paisa.MainActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{dev.hemanths.paisa/dev.hemanths.paisa.MainActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{dev.hemanths.paisa/dev.hemanths.paisa.MainActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=972471313 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@9798e7d} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 91 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{3d9f172 dev.hemanths.paisa.MainActivity} launchCookies=[android.os.BinderProxy@b88b9c3] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=false isVisibleRequested=false isSleeping=false locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 isTopActivityTransparent=false appCompatTaskInfo=AppCompatTaskInfo { topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false isLetterboxDoubleTapEnabled= false topActivityEligibleForUserAspectRatioButton= false topActivityBoundsLetterboxed= false isFromLetterboxDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 isUserFullscreenOverrideEnabled=false cameraCompatControlState=hidden}}, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@1a2b240, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@2159579, debugName = QuickstepLaunch }, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 1590 }
06-12 17:29:32.373 I/ActivityManager(872): Start proc 18925:dev.hemanths.paisa/u0a519 for next-top-activity {dev.hemanths.paisa/dev.hemanths.paisa.MainActivity}
06-12 17:29:32.375 D/CoreBackPreview(872): Window{f914451 u0 Splash Screen dev.hemanths.paisa}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@6cbd5b7, mPriority=0, mIsAnimationCallback=false}
06-12 17:29:32.390 V/WindowManager(872): Sent Transition (#1590) createdAt=06-12 17:29:32.344 via request=TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=1640 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=dev.hemanths.paisa/.MainActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{dev.hemanths.paisa/dev.hemanths.paisa.MainActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{dev.hemanths.paisa/dev.hemanths.paisa.MainActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{dev.hemanths.paisa/dev.hemanths.paisa.MainActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=972471313 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{RemoteToken{2472c89 Task{f0b7fd5 #1640 type=standard A=10519:dev.hemanths.paisa}}} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 91 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{2d5e48e dev.hemanths.paisa.MainActivity} launchCookies=[android.os.BinderProxy@489c4af] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=false isVisibleRequested=false isSleeping=false locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 isTopActivityTransparent=false appCompatTaskInfo=AppCompatTaskInfo { topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false isLetterboxDoubleTapEnabled= false topActivityEligibleForUserAspectRatioButton= false topActivityBoundsLetterboxed= false isFromLetterboxDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 isUserFullscreenOverrideEnabled=false cameraCompatControlState=hidden}}, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@6f040bc, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@56d0845, debugName = QuickstepLaunch }, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 1590 }
06-12 17:29:32.390 V/WindowManager(872):         {WCT{RemoteToken{2472c89 Task{f0b7fd5 #1640 type=standard A=10519:dev.hemanths.paisa}}} m=OPEN f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1640)/@0x7d4d48d sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400) d=0},
06-12 17:29:32.435 D/nativeloader(18925): Configuring clns-4 for other apk /data/app/~~PcCQP6Fm4b32KGc7sgjcsA==/dev.hemanths.paisa-39d-u33ehr3v3If3GD0jfw==/base.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/data/app/~~PcCQP6Fm4b32KGc7sgjcsA==/dev.hemanths.paisa-39d-u33ehr3v3If3GD0jfw==/lib/arm64:/data/app/~~PcCQP6Fm4b32KGc7sgjcsA==/dev.hemanths.paisa-39d-u33ehr3v3If3GD0jfw==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/dev.hemanths.paisa
06-12 17:29:32.524 W/.hemanths.paisa(18925): type=1400 audit(0.0:167181): avc:  denied  { read } for  name="max_map_count" dev="proc" ino=276216018 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c7,c258,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_max_map_count:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=dev.hemanths.paisa
06-12 17:29:32.547 W/.hemanths.paisa(18925): type=1400 audit(0.0:167182): avc:  denied  { search } for  name="2c00000.qcom,kgsl-3d0" dev="sysfs" ino=36753 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c7,c258,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_msm_subsys:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=dev.hemanths.paisa
06-12 17:29:32.591 D/CoreBackPreview(872): Window{9f81f0 u0 dev.hemanths.paisa/dev.hemanths.paisa.MainActivity}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@e12cd1c, mPriority=0, mIsAnimationCallback=false}
06-12 17:29:38.415 D/ProfileInstaller(18925): Installing profile for dev.hemanths.paisa
06-12 17:31:09.613 W/InputDispatcher(872): Not sending touch gesture to 833edbf ActivityRecordInputSink dev.hemanths.paisa/.MainActivity because it has config NO_INPUT_CHANNEL
06-12 17:31:58.080 W/InputDispatcher(872): Not sending touch gesture to 833edbf ActivityRecordInputSink dev.hemanths.paisa/.MainActivity because it has config NO_INPUT_CHANNEL
06-12 17:31:58.143 W/InputDispatcher(872): Waiting because no window has focus but ActivityRecord{1469c8c u0 dev.hemanths.paisa/.MainActivity t1640} may eventually add a window when it finishes starting up. Will wait for 5000ms
06-12 17:31:58.669 I/InputDispatcher(872): Pruning input queue because user touched a different application while waiting for ActivityRecord{1469c8c u0 dev.hemanths.paisa/.MainActivity t1640}
06-12 17:31:58.670 W/InputDispatcher(872): Not sending touch gesture to 833edbf ActivityRecordInputSink dev.hemanths.paisa/.MainActivity because it has config NO_INPUT_CHANNEL
06-12 17:31:59.103 I/InputDispatcher(872): Pruning input queue because user touched a different application while waiting for ActivityRecord{1469c8c u0 dev.hemanths.paisa/.MainActivity t1640}
06-12 17:31:59.104 W/InputDispatcher(872): Not sending touch gesture to 833edbf ActivityRecordInputSink dev.hemanths.paisa/.MainActivity because it has config NO_INPUT_CHANNEL
06-12 17:31:59.507 I/InputDispatcher(872): Pruning input queue because user touched a different application while waiting for ActivityRecord{1469c8c u0 dev.hemanths.paisa/.MainActivity t1640}
06-12 17:31:59.508 W/InputDispatcher(872): Not sending touch gesture to 833edbf ActivityRecordInputSink dev.hemanths.paisa/.MainActivity because it has config NO_INPUT_CHANNEL
06-12 17:31:59.875 I/InputDispatcher(872): Pruning input queue because user touched a different application while waiting for ActivityRecord{1469c8c u0 dev.hemanths.paisa/.MainActivity t1640}
06-12 17:31:59.875 W/InputDispatcher(872): Not sending touch gesture to 833edbf ActivityRecordInputSink dev.hemanths.paisa/.MainActivity because it has config NO_INPUT_CHANNEL
06-12 17:32:00.176 I/InputDispatcher(872): Pruning input queue because user touched a different application while waiting for ActivityRecord{1469c8c u0 dev.hemanths.paisa/.MainActivity t1640}
06-12 17:32:00.176 W/InputDispatcher(872): Not sending touch gesture to 833edbf ActivityRecordInputSink dev.hemanths.paisa/.MainActivity because it has config NO_INPUT_CHANNEL
06-12 17:32:00.480 I/InputDispatcher(872): Pruning input queue because user touched a different application while waiting for ActivityRecord{1469c8c u0 dev.hemanths.paisa/.MainActivity t1640}
06-12 17:32:00.484 W/InputDispatcher(872): Not sending touch gesture to 833edbf ActivityRecordInputSink dev.hemanths.paisa/.MainActivity because it has config NO_INPUT_CHANNEL
06-12 17:32:00.785 I/InputDispatcher(872): Pruning input queue because user touched a different application while waiting for ActivityRecord{1469c8c u0 dev.hemanths.paisa/.MainActivity t1640}
06-12 17:32:00.786 W/InputDispatcher(872): Not sending touch gesture to 833edbf ActivityRecordInputSink dev.hemanths.paisa/.MainActivity because it has config NO_INPUT_CHANNEL
06-12 17:32:02.382 I/InputDispatcher(872): Pruning input queue because user touched a different application while waiting for ActivityRecord{1469c8c u0 dev.hemanths.paisa/.MainActivity t1640}
06-12 17:32:02.385 W/InputDispatcher(872): Not sending touch gesture to 833edbf ActivityRecordInputSink dev.hemanths.paisa/.MainActivity because it has config NO_INPUT_CHANNEL
06-12 17:32:02.489 V/WindowManager(872):         {WCT{RemoteToken{2472c89 Task{f0b7fd5 #1640 type=standard A=10519:dev.hemanths.paisa}}} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1640)/@0x7d4d48d sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400) d=0},
06-12 17:32:03.326 D/CoreBackPreview(872): Window{f914451 u0 Splash Screen dev.hemanths.paisa}: Setting back callback null
06-12 17:32:03.326 W/InputManager-JNI(872): Input channel object 'f914451 Splash Screen dev.hemanths.paisa (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager!
06-12 17:32:03.750 I/ActivityManager(872): Killing 18925:dev.hemanths.paisa/u0a519 (adj 900): remove task
06-12 17:32:03.809 I/WindowManager(872): WIN DEATH: Window{9f81f0 u0 dev.hemanths.paisa/dev.hemanths.paisa.MainActivity}
06-12 17:32:03.810 W/InputManager-JNI(872): Input channel object '9f81f0 dev.hemanths.paisa/dev.hemanths.paisa.MainActivity (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager!
06-12 17:32:03.817 W/UsageStatsService(872): Unexpected activity event reported! (dev.hemanths.paisa/dev.hemanths.paisa.MainActivity event : 23 instanceId : 211190762)
coutnoah commented 3 weeks ago

Seeing this on GrapheneOS too, seems similar to an issue experienced on a previous release back in November. These two issues may be related: #388 & #393

Golem642 commented 3 weeks ago

Yup, having the exact same issue as before. Redmi note 11 on MIUI 13

Golem642 commented 3 weeks ago

I learned from last time, always do a backup before updating. So in case i need to delete everything, I still have all my records

dev-leom commented 3 weeks ago

I completely forgot to do backup before the update πŸ₯²

unseensholar commented 3 weeks ago

Reporting the same issue with stock android 14

chrostino commented 2 weeks ago

same issue on Lineage (android 13)

dev-leom commented 2 weeks ago

Same issue for 6.1.4 for me.

unseensholar commented 2 weeks ago

Is this abandoned since clearing the data fixes the issue (at the risk of losing all data not backed up)?

unseensholar commented 2 weeks ago

@h4h13 Could you build and share version 1.0.8 with the latest version number so that we can downgrade and backup our data?

chrostino commented 2 weeks ago

@unseensholar you could try Neo Backup to backup app data without being able to launch the app

unseensholar commented 2 weeks ago

@unseensholar you could try Neo Backup to backup app data without being able to launch the app

My phone is not rooted

chrostino commented 2 weeks ago

dw I just tried restoring data this way it just blocks the app as before. We do need the older version

Golem642 commented 2 weeks ago

@unseensholar you could try Neo Backup to backup app data without being able to launch the app

My phone is not rooted

No need, follow this guide, last message in #388 describes how to do it simply without rooting your phone. Version 6.0.8 works for me

unseensholar commented 2 weeks ago

@unseensholar you could try Neo Backup to backup app data without being able to launch the app

My phone is not rooted

No need, follow this guide, last message in #388 describes how to do it simply without rooting your phone. Version 6.0.8 works for me

Sadly this does not work anymore. It fails with the error message "Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_VERSION_DOWNGRADE: Downgrade detected: Update version code 608 is older than current 614]"

The only solution I see is changing the version number of the last working build and installing that over this one. Then we can simply backup the data from the app. I'm hoping the latest version supports importing data from the old one.

chrostino commented 2 weeks ago

just wanted to add that once downgraded I was able to just make a backup from within the app, then updating to the new version deleting user data to make it work and just restore data from the backup

h4h13 commented 2 weeks ago

Can anyone share the logs please I'm not able to reproduce this and get it fixed

dev-leom commented 1 week ago

Can anyone share the logs please I'm not able to reproduce this and get it fixed

How can I collect clean logs for you ? Ive never done that sorry πŸ˜…

vanilladrop commented 1 week ago

@h4h13 Here are some interesting bits I could find in a logcat. I'm not positive these are helpful, but they seem relevant.

06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : [ERROR:flutter/runtime/dart_vm_initializer.cc(41)] Unhandled Exception: type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'TransactionModelType' in type cast
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : #0      DebitTransactionsModelAdapter.read (package:paisa/features/debit_transaction/data/model/debit_transactions_model.g.dart:25)
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : #1      BinaryReaderImpl.read (package:hive/src/binary/binary_reader_impl.dart:328)
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : #2      BinaryReaderImpl.readFrame (package:hive/src/binary/binary_reader_impl.dart:276)
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : #3      FrameHelper.framesFromBytes (package:hive/src/binary/frame_helper.dart:21)
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : #4      FrameIoHelper.framesFromFile (package:hive/src/io/frame_io_helper.dart:42)
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : <asynchronous suspension>
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : #5      StorageBackendVm.initialize (package:hive/src/backend/vm/storage_backend_vm.dart:86)
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : <asynchronous suspension>
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : #6      HiveImpl._openBox (package:hive/src/hive_impl.dart:111)
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : <asynchronous suspension>
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : #7      HiveImpl.openBox (package:hive/src/hive_impl.dart:142)
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : <asynchronous suspension>
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : #8      GetItHelper.lazySingletonAsync.<anonymous closure> (package:injectable/src/get_it_helper.dart:167)
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : <asynchronous suspension>
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : #9      init (package:paisa/di/dependency_injection.config.dart:200)
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : <asynchronous suspension>
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : #10     main (package:paisa/main.dart:27)
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : <asynchronous suspension>
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : 
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : [ERROR:flutter/runtime/dart_vm_initializer.cc(41)] Unhandled Exception: type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'TransactionModelType' in type cast
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : #0      DebitTransactionsModelAdapter.read (package:paisa/features/debit_transaction/data/model/debit_transactions_model.g.dart:25)
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : #1      BinaryReaderImpl.read (package:hive/src/binary/binary_reader_impl.dart:328)
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : #2      BinaryReaderImpl.readFrame (package:hive/src/binary/binary_reader_impl.dart:276)
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : #3      FrameHelper.framesFromBytes (package:hive/src/binary/frame_helper.dart:21)
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : #4      FrameIoHelper.framesFromFile (package:hive/src/io/frame_io_helper.dart:42)
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : <asynchronous suspension>
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : #5      StorageBackendVm.initialize (package:hive/src/backend/vm/storage_backend_vm.dart:86)
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : <asynchronous suspension>
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : #6      HiveImpl._openBox (package:hive/src/hive_impl.dart:111)
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : <asynchronous suspension>
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : #7      HiveImpl.openBox (package:hive/src/hive_impl.dart:142)
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : <asynchronous suspension>
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : #8      GetItHelper.lazySingletonAsync.<anonymous closure> (package:injectable/src/get_it_helper.dart:167)
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : <asynchronous suspension>
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : #9      init (package:paisa/di/dependency_injection.config.dart:200)
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : <asynchronous suspension>
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : #10     main (package:paisa/main.dart:27)
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter : <asynchronous suspension>
06-30 01:50:52.334 32194 32236 E flutter :
h4h13 commented 1 week ago

If this happens in the latest that's more than enough

vanilladrop commented 1 week ago

@h4h13 Yes, I'm running 6.1.4

h4h13 commented 1 week ago

Let me check

h4h13 commented 1 week ago

This happens after update and crashes on start right @vanilladrop

vanilladrop commented 1 week ago

@h4h13 It does, it happened on 6.1.1 too, I believe 6.0.8 was the last functional version for me. It doesn't go beyond the splash screen with the Paisa logo.

Golem642 commented 1 week ago

@h4h13 It does, it happened on 6.1.1 too, I believe 6.0.8 was the last functional version for me. It doesn't go beyond the splash screen with the Paisa logo.

Yes, 6.0.8 works I downgraded to that a few days ago and it boots up just fine

FosRexx commented 1 week ago

@h4h13 It does, it happened on 6.1.1 too, I believe 6.0.8 was the last functional version for me. It doesn't go beyond the splash screen with the Paisa logo.

Yes, 6.0.8 works I downgraded to that a few days ago and it boots up just fine

How did you downgrade? Trying to downgrade via adb didn't work for me. It complains about the version code issue when using the apk from this repo, did you build the 6.0.8 version with an updated version code? If so can you provide the apk?

Golem642 commented 1 week ago

How did you downgrade? Trying to downgrade via adb didn't work for me. It complains about the version code issue when using the apk from this repo, did you build the 6.0.8 version with an updated version code? If so can you provide the apk?

Did you use options -r and -d with the install command ? It should work. I'm using Android 12

unseensholar commented 1 week ago

How did you downgrade? Trying to downgrade via adb didn't work for me. It complains about the version code issue when using the apk from this repo, did you build the 6.0.8 version with an updated version code? If so can you provide the apk?

Did you use options -r and -d with the install command ? It should work. I'm using Android 12

Does not seem to work in android 14

Golem642 commented 1 week ago

Latest update works for me, thanks πŸ‘

vanilladrop commented 1 week ago

Fixed! Thanks a bunch!