h4h13 / Paisa

Expense manager for Android with Material Design
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All data overwritten with example data #510

Open JnkLtt opened 1 week ago

JnkLtt commented 1 week ago

After updating to 6.1.7 all of my accounts, expenses and categories are gone and have been replaced by placeholders or something like that. Screenshot_20240705_173429_Paisa Interestingly enough it still welcomes me back with my name.

Mischievous-Loner commented 1 week ago

Happened with me too, I should have opened GitHub before updating

kugel89 commented 6 days ago

Same here, all data collected for months is gone. Awesome

chrostino commented 6 days ago

same here

dev-leom commented 6 days ago

Same 🥲. Please tell me it's recoverable.

SpezialK-dev commented 6 days ago

I am afraid of looking at the code, that nothing is recoverable, and I would advise against putting in data because if you force restart the app, all of it will be replaced again with dummy data.

https://github.com/h4h13/Paisa/commit/4f722b11aced7b5e5710abb87b5424301bd30757 This commit introduced dummy data generation into main, but there are no checks if the dummy data has been previously created or not. Nor is there a check for other data, so every time the properly starts, it will reset everything. Also, dummy data seems to just wipe all the previous data.

FosRexx commented 6 days ago

Guys 😭, after the new update I am now 1.7 million in debt. I don't have that much money and I don't know how I got that much debt, looking into the transaction history it seems like the debt was due to my spending habits but, I promise I have not spent that much 😭😭. Please help me, I need to somehow pay my debt. If you can spare a few changes please feel free to donate to me here 🙏🙏.


h4h13 commented 6 days ago

Hey, sorry guys please check v.6.1.8 delete or import old backup to fix

chrostino commented 6 days ago

Hey, sorry guys please check v.6.1.8 delete or import old backup to fix

is it on fdroid already?

JnkLtt commented 6 days ago

Hey, sorry guys please check v.6.1.8 delete or import old backup to fix

Thanks for the quick fix. Shame that the data couldn't be recovered although I didn't really expect that.

dev-leom commented 6 days ago

Hey, sorry guys please check v.6.1.8 delete or import old backup to fix

Unable to import the backup made just before the v6.1.7 update. But v6.1.8 Stop adding false data 👍

h4h13 commented 6 days ago

Hey, sorry guys please check v.6.1.8 delete or import old backup to fix

Unable to import the backup made just before the v6.1.7 update. But v6.1.8 Stop adding false data 👍

Can you share logs or any crash happening will try to fix

dev-leom commented 5 days ago

Hey, sorry guys please check v.6.1.8 delete or import old backup to fix

Unable to import the backup made just before the v6.1.7 update. But v6.1.8 Stop adding false data 👍

Can you share logs or any crash happening will try to fix

When I import my .json file the app loads endlessly and data is not imported. I will try to collect logs for you.

h4h13 commented 1 hour ago

Hey, sorry everyone even my data is overriten by this mistake I have remove this test data completly this will not repeat again If there is any other issue please raise as another ticket