h5bp / Effeckt.css

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Class naming style #1

Closed i-like-robots closed 11 years ago

i-like-robots commented 11 years ago

Discussions for class naming style in one tidy thread...

Should classes be .camelCase or .hyphen-separated?

Do we need a prefix?

enjikaka commented 11 years ago

I lay my vote on hyphen separated.

kshmir commented 11 years ago

I lay also my vote on hyphens

jkneb commented 11 years ago


AaronLayton commented 11 years ago

I would say hyphenated as this follows everything else H5BP

As for prefixed, that depends on if we ever want people to swap out the CSS lib for another one (like jQuery and Zepto)

paulirish commented 11 years ago

I think we'll do hyphen. It's BEM style and follows the community direction on style isolation.

as this follows everything else H5BP

This project is just under H5BP for now for logistical reasons. I'm fine with moving it.

paulirish commented 11 years ago

From @chriscoyier

Should we use a prefix like "eff-"?

Works for now.

Should each effect have a standard class?


How to handle variations on that class? Maybe like class="modal" data-modal-style="from-top" ?

Good question..

chriscoyier commented 11 years ago

My votes:

jkneb commented 11 years ago

What about "fx-" ? :)

sindresorhus commented 11 years ago


i-like-robots commented 11 years ago
KittyGiraudel commented 11 years ago

Definitely hyphens.

How to handle variations on that class?


mente commented 11 years ago
grayghostvisuals commented 11 years ago

Hyphens FTW with a prefix just in case we don't override other stuff. Also lowercase E please cuz that's how I roll. Hollah!


I also rly like this as well in order to handle variations :facepunch: :man:

class="modal" data-modal-style="from-top"
bensmithett commented 11 years ago

+100 for hyphens & BEM

fx-modal--is-active, fx-modal__overlay etc.

If we're going the BEM route I'm in favour of keeping modifiers in class names instead of needing extra data attributes.

.fx-modal--from-top is cleaner & avoids unnecessary specificity woes.

jbeja commented 11 years ago

1+ hyphens and BEM style, similar the one that Inuit.css use in it classes e.x: .navigation{ @extend .nav; //this is the main class for navigations @extend .nav--stacked; // this is an modifier class that alter the .nav class } I absolutely love this.

darsain commented 11 years ago

How realistic would it be to use CSS3 animations, and leave classes out of the question altogether?

You'd define an animation as keyframes:

@keyframes scalein {
  from {
    transform: scale(5);

  to {
    transform: scale(1);

And than leave it on the end developer to which classes should this animation be applied to:

.modal {
  animation-name: scalein;
  animation-duration: 500ms;

This would give people a comfy control via animation-* properties, like duration, delay, direction, ...

Also this is a lot better way how to declare animations in your styles than just another spam of non-semantic classes. Seems like an ideal solution for a modern web.

A small issue is that CSS3 animations are not supported in IE9, but as "not having animations" doesn't break anything, I don't personally care about that.

You could still create a class proxies for these animations to be used in a possible JS library. Unless there is a native API that would allow us to trigger keyframe animations on elements directly with JS that I don't know about. Yeah, that would be just too nice to have I guess :)

paulirish commented 11 years ago

I don't want to expose end users to the timing functions if we don't have to. Exposing things as just classes gives us a lot more flexibility in case we need to do some layer promotion (translateZ) or have other adjustments.

AaronLayton commented 11 years ago

Also by having the class named defaults we get to set the optimal times for jank-free animations. With the proposed custom builds they will be able to change this anyway?

grayghostvisuals commented 11 years ago

@Darsain That's a really great thought about just providing the keyframes and their corresponding animation name. Total modularity heaven. I think there's a bit more flexibility with classes though.

jbeja commented 11 years ago

@Darsain I really like the idea, modularity is key, hower i could be wrong, but i don't get to see and interface where the end-user could customize the key-frames properties values in your example.

mnording commented 11 years ago

My 2 cents is doing this hyphen-separated according to the community. +1 on the -fx prefix

tyom commented 11 years ago

In terms of prefixes/modifiers. Is it worth considering using variables and class placeholders in Sass to set defaults and allow easy configuration to suit individual needs? For example:


// Definitions
%xxx-test {
  border: 2px solid green;
%xxx-test-small {
  width: 10%; 
%xxx-test-active {
  background: yellow;

// BEM
$prefix: "fx-";
$modifier: "--";
$state: "__";

.#{$prefix}bem {
  @extend %xxx-test;
.#{$prefix}bem#{$state}active {
  @extend %xxx-test;
  @extend %xxx-test-active;
.#{$prefix}bem#{$modifier}small {
  @extend %xxx-test;
  @extend %xxx-test-small;
.#{$prefix}bem#{$modifier}small#{$state}active {
  @extend %xxx-test;
  @extend %xxx-test-small;
  @extend %xxx-test-active;

// COS
$prefix: "fx-";
$modifier: ".m-";
$state: ".s-";

.#{$prefix}cos {
  @extend %xxx-test;
.#{$prefix}cos#{$modifier}small {
  @extend %xxx-test-small;
.#{$prefix}cos#{$state}active {
  @extend %xxx-test-active;


<div class="fx-bem--small__active">
  BEM style

<div class="fx-cos m-small s-active">
  COS style

I think this would make it more configurable for individual styles. Personally I prefer the COS style (which I'm currently developing and planning to write about).

Just a thought. Have a play on CodePen. Try changing the variables at the tops as per the example above.

grayghostvisuals commented 11 years ago

Use hyphen separated selector names and the prefix below for the time being. Honestly it could be renamed so right now this is good to go with.


Looks like this thread is going beyond the original intention which was prefix name and/or hyphens in selectors.