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Revert mobile-first media queries and remove respond.js #816

Closed paulirish closed 12 years ago

paulirish commented 13 years ago

IE6-8 require respond.js to act as a polyfill because H5BP uses mobile-first media queries.

I'm not convinced mobile-first media queries are best.

  1. Clearly they have this extra cost for IE baked in.
  2. Secondly, it's a little awkward, as a developer, to write your styles mobile first.

What mobile browsers (in use, currently) do not support media queries? Moreover, of the ones who don't, are there browsers that don't scale the content to somehow adapt to the small screen size?

I don't know enough of the Blackberry/Nokia product line to know what's up on this front. But I have a feeling the mobile-first MQ setup is a lot of work. And the payoff is not worth the effort.

mathiasbynens commented 12 years ago

Here’s why mobile first is awesome: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Athena

wjcrowcroft commented 12 years ago

Don't suppose... was there any consensus on this?

I guess it's not something with a one-size-fits-all solution, and I should probably write some CSS instead of procrasturbating over the NVP vs. WVP issue, but would love to hear if there'd been any updates.

Great thread though!

data-enhanced commented 12 years ago

Great discussion.

Regarding the idea of including an ie.css, thereby removing the need for respond.js --- I understand and appreciate the goal of having only one stylesheet for all browsers. I've tried the mobile-first respond.js approach. But as we're weighing the options here, I'm liking the idea of dropping respond.js and simply providing legacy IE with desktop styles within a conditional comment.

Let me make sure I have the picture right --

  1. Instead of linking respond.js at the end if the document within a conditional comment for IE 6-8 not mobile ...
  2. Provide the IE 6-8 stylesheet in a conditional comment following the main stylesheet. This stylesheet will provide the desktop styles from the main stylesheet, which IE6-8 would have missed because they were tucked away under the main stylesheet's media queries.

If I understand correctly, this approach has these pros and cons:

Am I on target with this?

data-enhanced commented 12 years ago

Wait. I just followed the link provided in the above discussion to Jeremy Keith's post http://adactio.com/journal/4494/

His solution, which addresses what I just laid out above, but more elegantly, is to have two files:

Then he uses a media query and a conditional comment to provide layout.css only as needed:

His code snippet with my comments:

<!-- Base styles for all browsers -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/global.css" media="all">
<!-- Layout for wide browsers -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/layout.css" media="all and (min-width: 30em)">
<!-- SAME layout file for IE 6-8 -->
    <!--[if (lt IE 9)&(!IEMobile)]>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/layout.css" media="all">

The advantages here seem significant, as this approach:

  1. provides base styles to all browsers
  2. keeps the more weighty CSS layout file from being requested by NVP browsers at all
  3. requires just one layout.css file (no copying and pasting into a separate file)

In addition, this approach still allows me to adjust the conditional comment to support only the versions of IE I choose to support with layout. For instance, if I do not wish to provide layout for IE 6:

<!-- layout file for only IE 7-8, excluding IE 6 -->
    <!--[if (gt IE 6)&(lt IE 9)&(!IEMobile)]>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/layout.css" media="all">

Moreover, if I want more precise media queries for mid-width devices (like tablets) and ultra-wide monitors, I can easily take and adjust this approach to cover such cases. The easiest way may be to include tablet-width layout within a media query inside global.css and then address mongo-width layout within a media query inside the layout.css file.

scottkellum commented 12 years ago

Maybe you mean small screen first? Setting up media queries before designing is a bad idea IMO. Also, designs should work without media queries first, usually on a fluid page that works well on small screen. second media queries can be bundled in at design breakpoints, not device breakpoints. Mobile first doesn’t really matter at this point, but optimization should always be considered.

necolas commented 12 years ago


Maybe you mean small screen first?

Already gone over that in one of the first comments: https://github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/issues/816#issuecomment-2443277

Setting up media queries before designing is a bad idea IMO

That hasn't been suggested. H5BP only includes placeholder MQs that we say should be customised to the needs of the design.

designs should work without media queries first

This is already how H5BP works.

second media queries can be bundled in at design breakpoints, not device breakpoints

We already recommend this and it has been discussed in various issues, including by Paul above: https://github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/issues/816#issuecomment-2513066

matteolc commented 12 years ago

@davidcochran Following Jeremy Keith's post http://adactio.com/journal/4494/ and your explanation, you guys say that "global.css is to provide base styles for all devices, including mobile-first styles", while layout.css is "to provide layout for WVP" and is used by media query non-compliant browsers, so if I understand correctly no media queries written there.

Questions: Why should a media query non-compliant browser download a stylesheet with media queries? Wouldn't it be more clean/elegant to specify media queries only in the css files that gets downloaded by browsers which understand media queries (layout.css)? Wouldn't it be cleaner to patch IE's inability to understand media queries in a specific IE stylesheet? This way the day we'll ditch support for IE LT9 (I still consider IE8, but older? nah..), we'll just remove the css and the conditional statements around it.

I personally find @necolas (http://nicolasgallagher.com/mobile-first-css-sass-and-ie/) suggested method more clean & easy to deal with -but it assumes one uses SASS, and I wouldn't know the performance hit of all those @import.

core.css Normalization, typography, and grid (or gridless or frameless whichever one prefers) styles. No media queries.

layout.css @media (min-width:320px) { @import "320-up"; } @media (min-width:480px) { @import "480-up"; } @media (min-width:780px) { @import "780-up"; } @media (min-width:960px) { @import "960-up"; } @media (min-width:1100px) { @import "1100-up"; }

ie.css @import "320-up"; @import "480-up"; @import "780-up"; @import "960-up";

What do you guys think? Hopefully I haven't got anything awfully wrong!

data-enhanced commented 12 years ago


@necolas's SASS solution is a nice one, and there are folks working on analogous procedures for users of LESS.

But H5BP can't yet depend on everyone using those technologies -- and probably can't until CSS is remade to work like SASS or LESS. (Which would be great!)

Meanwhile, for non-SASS/LESS users ... the two-CSS-file solution is just really straightforward -- 1. global styles for all browsers (with everything needed by NVP browsers) and 2. desktop styles which address anything needed for IE6-8.

Because legacy IE simply ignores what's behind media queries, I can use those same two files to address browsers that do understand media queries. I can tuck layout for tablets behind a media query in global.css, and layout for extra large screens behind a media query in layout.css. IE6-8 will never know these were there.

Of course ensuring that nothing essential for IE6-8 is hidden behind a media query takes planning, but that's par for the course.

This strikes me as relatively elegant in these ways:

Everybody's needs are met, and I've burdened IE6-8 as little as possible, leaving them free to live or die at their own pace.

data-enhanced commented 12 years ago


But then again -- reading you more closely now I think -- if one were to take your method and combine it with the new H5BP build script, which will inline all of the imported CSS files prior to production ...

That'd be pretty darn elegant. Except you can reduce HTTP requests by importing core.css along with your media queried styles in each case.

Which would give us something like:

modern.css -- everything needed for modern browsers

legacy.css -- everything needed for IE6-8


matteolc commented 12 years ago

@davidcochran Ah, you highlighted the advantages better than me! :)

And yes, if production files can be built by inlining imports, I couldn't ask for more..

So that would be, hamly speaking:

-# Layouts for MQ-capable browsers = stylesheet_link_tag "modern", :media => "(min-width: 320px)"
-# Serve a stylesheet without @media declarations for the oldies, and skip serving it to IE mobile /[if (lt IE 9)&(!IEMobile)] = stylesheet_link_tag "legacy"



@import "core" @media (min-width:320px) { @import "320-up"; } @media (min-width:480px) { @import "480-up"; } @media (min-width:780px) { @import "780-up"; } @media (min-width:960px) { @import "960-up"; } @media (min-width:1100px) { @import "1100-up"; }


@import "core"; @import "320-up"; @import "480-up"; @import "780-up"; @import "960-up";

Am I on track?

With the @imports you suggested and by inlining in production we are saving 1 further request compared to my original suggestion.

matteolc commented 12 years ago

Actually, I think I am going back to:

/ Core layout (no media queries) = stylesheet_link_tag "core" / Layouts for all viewports (with media queries) = stylesheet_link_tag "responsive", :media => "(device-width: 320px)"
/ Serve a stylesheet without @media declarations for the oldies, / skip serving it to IE mobile /[if (lt IE 9)&(!IEMobile)] = stylesheet_link_tag "static"

That's because IE8 will download responsive.css, thus if i place the same @import there as there is in static.css, there's duplication. In fact, the :media => "(device-width: 320px)" might not be that necessary after all..

data-enhanced commented 12 years ago

Having just ready Juriy Zaytsev's examination of the performance hit caused by unused CSS selectors, such as selectors included for legacy IE (see note 13, and then the summary) ...

I wonder if this doesn't reinforce the two-stylesheet approach, whereby styles for legacy browsers that don't understand media queries are provided in a separate stylesheet -- typically provided to IE 6-8 with a conditional comment. Whether you call the second stylesheet ie.css, legacy.css, desktop.css, or what have you ...

If we can work up good ways to use a tool such as SASS or even the ANT build script to make a two-stylesheet approach more easily maintainable, we now have clear evidence of further benefits: besides saving the need for respond.js, it leaves us with trimmer stylesheets and promises snappier web apps.

necolas commented 12 years ago

I'd like to propose this solution...which is to provide no default solution (because there is none):

  1. Remove respond.js from the Modernizr package in H5BP.
  2. Create a Wiki page to document some of the more popular ways to approach "mobile first" development (and which ones cater for legacy versions of IE). People can refer to this when deciding which solution best fits their project requirements.
  3. Optionally, remove the placeholder MQs from the default CSS.
nimbupani commented 12 years ago

Agreed with your solution @necolas +1 last item on the list too.

bradfrost commented 12 years ago

@necolas I think that a wiki page would be a great way to articulate these many shades of gray. As for the last point, I think including device-specific dimensions is definitely dangerous, but it's still beneficial to include examples to assist syntax and spread awareness of a great technique. Perhaps changing the dimensions to something less device-specific and possibly em-based (perhaps min-width: 35em?) would move things in the right direction.

necolas commented 12 years ago

@bradfrost We mention in the comments that they are placeholders which should be modified as the content requires (although I thought those comments were more obvious than they actually are).

However, I'm not sure using em units would make much difference. I see a lot of sites that use style.css (untouched) as their base css, leaving the empty MQs in there doing nothing, even if they go on to use MQs elsewhere in their code. I thought it would be better to move away from including "dummy" or "placeholder" code where possible, and in this particular case, significant code that isn't going to work cross-browser out of the box.

bradfrost commented 12 years ago

@necolas Yeah if you're seeing enough people just leaving them in there without touching them then perhaps it is better to remove them altogether. If they do stay, I'd still recommend changing the 480px and 768px to dimensions that are a bit more ambiguous in order to break the device-specific mental model.

sturobson commented 12 years ago

@necolas I totally agree with @bradfrost about changing the px based MQs to em based. My reasoning for this became a blithering paragraph of idiocy which really just repeated Brad's last sentence regarding ambiguity and device-specific breakpoints. As for the wiki, a great idea :D

tchalvak commented 12 years ago

I think that default media queries in the css are a great tool. If people are just using the boilerplate css without modification (and then making their modifications in a separate block of css), then that's a good reason to comment out the media query blocks due to the potential added overhead of unused media query blocks, but removing them altogether and relying on an external document to convey them as defaults is a pretty major step down.

P.S. I think that taking away solutions that work (as much as anything in this crazy browser ecology we live in) -before- the alternative exists is putting the cart before the horse, so let's start the wiki page first (assuming it doesn't yet exist) and get that solid before removing compatibility tools, right?

necolas commented 12 years ago

I've tried to strike a balance between all the concerns that have arisen here. Thanks to everyone who helped and took the time to post opinions and ideas on this issue! I hope you'll all continue to help out in the future with suggestions and info.

nimbupani commented 12 years ago


Jaujon commented 11 years ago

As of 2013-04-12, distributed version of HTML5BP Responsive is broken: media queries doesn't work on ie7 - ie8 while it does work for the online demo version!!!

kevva commented 11 years ago

@Jaujon, there is no media query support in IE7 and IE8. Check out https://github.com/scottjehl/Respond.

danielhusar commented 11 years ago

What about something like this?

<!--[if (gte IE 9)|!(IE)|(!IEMobile)]><!-->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="responsive.css">
<!--[if (lt IE 9)]>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="all.css">

responsive.css and all.css are same, all.css just don't have media queries

Or something like this: sass:

@import "_small";
@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
  @import "_medium";

  @import "_medium";