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Should mask and box-reflect even be mentioned? #70

Closed ryanseddon closed 12 years ago

ryanseddon commented 12 years ago

Those two webkit CSS properties, like you mention, will never be part of any spec. Therefore should this even bring attention to their existence?

I'd be in favour of removing them.

paulirish commented 12 years ago

IMO its important to have a platform to recommend against use.

If some person comes to this site, which is trying to be credible source of recommendations, ignores the AVOID and uses an API they read about here...

well then its up to them to deal with it.

beverloo commented 12 years ago

I'm not entirely sure, Paul. Since that can be said about any proprietary API, wouldn't it be better to have a general advise against anything non-standardized? It could also be used to address edge-case things such as CSS Marquee, which features one implementation (in WebKit) but is being considered to be pulled from the standardization track.

paulirish commented 12 years ago

I think that's what I'm saying... It's better to recommend against things explicitly then just omit any text at all.

domenic commented 12 years ago

+1 to @paulirish, we're currently using -webkit-mask on our project and htmlplease will be helpful in lobbying to remove it.

ryanseddon commented 12 years ago

Yep good points and makes sense. I'll close this off.