h5p / flowplayer

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Upgrade flowplayer to latest (6.0.5) version #1

Open nadavkav opened 8 years ago

nadavkav commented 8 years ago

Please see if you can upgrade to the new and latest version of FlowPlayer. https://www.flowplayer.org/blog/flowplayer-6.0/

As we are trying to move forward and use MPEG-DASH to stream our videos with H5P interactions. https://www.flowplayer.org/docs/plugins.html#dashjs

nadavkav commented 8 years ago

Suggested PR #2 (Attaching a working test of H5P Interactive video which is using the above PR) interactive-video-24-8068.h5p.zip

nadavkav commented 8 years ago

Maybe we should split it. An updated flowplayer and a flowplayer + dashjs ?

falcon-git commented 8 years ago

Thanks! Reviewing this has been scheduled for next release. (Not the one we're working on now, but the one after this one. probably starts working on it in August)

You have noticed that Flowplayer is only used as a fallback for browsers not supporting HTML5 video.

nadavkav commented 8 years ago

Ok. I do not use it as a fallback, but as a base for MPEG-DASH support.

I am also on progress of creating a new sub video plugin that implements videojs with some of its sub plugins, as alternative to this flowplayer plugin. (so you know)

falcon-git commented 8 years ago

Ok, I think we would prefer to implement dash support in H5Ps own players instead of using these huge third party video player libraries. Do you see other benefits with going for Flowplayer og videojs?

nadavkav commented 8 years ago

No benefits in flowplayer over Videojs. At the time (2-3 years ago), it was a good fallback for anyone needed flash. but not anymore.

I was actually surprised they have an updated version (6.0.5), as I though the project was not getting any progress for a long time, and was also surprised they had DASH-MPEG plugin (which is a wrapper to official dash.js). Seems like they are "back in business", but videojs have 10 times more contributors, features and plugins

I do not think you should bother implementing MPEG-DASH at core H5P on your own, better have it as a plugin under H5P.Video . I have it as a proof of concept, added to the current flowplayer, only because you are already using it in the H5P project. now that I have basic understanding of your video player I will definitely use videojs.

btw, see: http://html5video.org/wiki/HTML5_Video_Player_Comparison http://videosws.praegnanz.de/

nadavkav commented 8 years ago

One more thing about the #2 , in case you at least consider updating the flowplayer code from v3 to v6 ... The API changed. so H5P.Video (https://github.com/h5p/h5p-video/blob/master/scripts/flash.js) needs some work. I made some updates that I can PR into H5P.Video . so just say so, when you have time to review it (above PR)

falcon-git commented 8 years ago

Ok, I think we might want to use flowplayer v3 since we're only using it as a fallback for ppl with very old browsers without HTML5 support. We might even remove Flowplayer alltogether now.

What do you think are the benefits of using Flowplayer/VideoJS instead of just adding dash.js to our own players? Is it worth the extra weight?

icc commented 8 years ago

I like the idea of dropping the old Flowplayer. Browser video support has been around for quite a while now, and it also looks like the major browsers will start dropping Flash support very soon.

nadavkav commented 8 years ago

Indeed, minimized VideoJS takes 58K, were minimized Flowplayer takes only 13K. but looking at the benefits, it seems like a good choice: http://blog.videojs.com/Video-js-5-The-Only-Thing-That%E2%80%99s-Changed-Is-Everything-except-for-like-3-things-that-didn-t-including-the-name/ Plugins: https://github.com/videojs/video.js/wiki/Plugins Some "popularity contest": https://js.libhunt.com/project/video-js/vs/flowplayer?rel=cmp-lib

icc commented 8 years ago

It does appear to be more popular and have a bigger growing community.