h6ah4i / android-advancedrecyclerview

RecyclerView extension library which provides advanced features. (ex. Google's Inbox app like swiping, Play Music app like drag and drop sorting)
Apache License 2.0
5.32k stars 862 forks source link

Things that would truly make your library awesome #12

Open slidenerd opened 9 years ago

slidenerd commented 9 years ago

Hi, I used 2 libraries before switching to yours, one was called the UltimateRecyclerView, and the other one was SuperRecyclerView, I wont be getting into the specifics of what bugs they had and made me jump here but here s what I am trying to accomplish

1)SwipeRefreshLayout functionality at the top 2)A load more at the bottom [infinite scrolling] 3)Expandable items 4)Swipe to dismiss where an item may be dimissed successfully if the background operation such as deleting from a cloud storage service or database succeeded. The item may appear back once again if the operation fails. 5) An empty view to show some view or layout when the recyclerview has no data to display.

I am well aware of DragAdapter in your code and I have seen some samples as well, the doubt I have is whether I can implement all the above mentioned points in Unison together, also can you please guide me on the undo Swipe Dismiss part, thanks for your replies, wonderful library and time in advance.

h6ah4i commented 9 years ago

Hi @islidenerd, Thanks for your question. I'll try to make a sample code in this weekend :)

h6ah4i commented 9 years ago

@islidenerd Sorry, I have not implemented the sample code yet because it was too busy. I think these no. 1-5 features can be implemented without modifying this library.

adnanebrahimi commented 8 years ago

this 1-5 features is all that i need to implement but i stock at 1 , 4 and 5