h6ah4i / android-advancedrecyclerview

RecyclerView extension library which provides advanced features. (ex. Google's Inbox app like swiping, Play Music app like drag and drop sorting)
Apache License 2.0
5.32k stars 860 forks source link

# @check-spelling-bot Report #527

Open Sonyashines opened 10 months ago

Sonyashines commented 10 months ago

@check-spelling-bot Report

Unrecognized words, please review:

Previously acknowledged words that are now absent guardxfg pgorepro pgort PGU xfg
To accept these unrecognized words as correct (and remove the previously acknowledged and now absent words), run the following commands ... in a clone of the [git@github.com:LuanVSO/terminal.git](https://github.com/LuanVSO/terminal.git) repository on the `colortool-table` branch: ``` update_files() { perl -e ' my @expect_files=qw('".github/actions/spelling/expect/alphabet.txt .github/actions/spelling/expect/expect.txt .github/actions/spelling/expect/web.txt"'); @ARGV=@expect_files; my @stale=qw('"$patch_remove"'); my $re=join "|", @stale; my $suffix=".".time(); my $previous=""; sub maybe_unlink { unlink($_[0]) if $_[0]; } while (<>) { if ($ARGV ne $old_argv) { maybe_unlink($previous); $previous="$ARGV$suffix"; rename($ARGV, $previous); open(ARGV_OUT, ">$ARGV"); select(ARGV_OUT); $old_argv = $ARGV; } next if /^(?:$re)(?:(?:\r|\n)*$| .*)/; print; }; maybe_unlink($previous);' perl -e ' my $new_expect_file=".github/actions/spelling/expect/9d7966a2638b4a95d9b06ab9dbdda78c121787d3.txt"; use File::Path qw(make_path); use File::Basename qw(dirname); make_path (dirname($new_expect_file)); open FILE, q{<}, $new_expect_file; chomp(my @words = ); close FILE; my @add=qw('"$patch_add"'); my %items; @items{@words} = @words x (1); @items{@add} = @add x (1); @words = sort {lc($a)."-".$a cmp lc($b)."-".$b} keys %items; open FILE, q{>}, $new_expect_file; for my $word (@words) { print FILE "$word\n" if $word =~ /\w/; }; close FILE; system("git", "add", $new_expect_file); ' } comment_json=$(mktemp) curl -L -s -S \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ "https://api.github.com/repos/microsoft/terminal/issues/comments/1006803935" > "$comment_json" comment_body=$(mktemp) jq -r .body < "$comment_json" > $comment_body rm $comment_json patch_remove=$(perl -ne 'next unless s{^(.*)
$}{$1}; print' < "$comment_body") patch_add=$(perl -e '$/=undef; $_=<>; s{
.*}{}s; s{^#.*}{}; s{\n##.*}{}; s{(?:^|\n)\s*\*}{}g; s{\s+}{ }g; print' < "$comment_body") update_files rm $comment_body git add -u ```
:pencil2: Contributor please read this By default the command suggestion will generate a file named based on your commit. That's generally ok as long as you add the file to your commit. Someone can reorganize it later. :warning: The command is written for posix shells. You can copy the contents of each `perl` command excluding the outer `'` marks and dropping any `'"`/`"'` quotation mark pairs into a file and then run `perl file.pl` from the root of the repository to run the code. Alternatively, you can manually insert the items... If the listed items are: * ... **misspelled**, then please *correct* them instead of using the command. * ... *names*, please add them to `.github/actions/spelling/allow/names.txt`. * ... APIs, you can add them to a file in `.github/actions/spelling/allow/`. * ... just things you're using, please add them to an appropriate file in `.github/actions/spelling/expect/`. * ... tokens you only need in one place and shouldn't *generally be used*, you can add an item in an appropriate file in `.github/actions/spelling/patterns/`. See the `README.md` in each directory for more information. :microscope: You can test your commits **without** *appending* to a PR by creating a new branch with that extra change and pushing it to your fork. The [check-spelling](https://github.com/marketplace/actions/check-spelling) action will run in response to your **push** -- it doesn't require an open pull request. By using such a branch, you can limit the number of typos your peers see you make. :wink:
:clamp: If you see a bunch of garbage If it relates to a ...
well-formed pattern See if there's a [pattern](https://github.com/check-spelling/check-spelling/wiki/Configuration-Examples:-patterns) that would match it. If not, try writing one and adding it to a `patterns/{file}.txt`. Patterns are Perl 5 Regular Expressions - you can [test]( https://www.regexplanet.com/advanced/perl/) yours before committing to verify it will match your lines. Note that patterns can't match multiline strings.
binary-ish string Please add a file path to the `excludes.txt` file instead of just accepting the garbage. File paths are Perl 5 Regular Expressions - you can [test]( https://www.regexplanet.com/advanced/perl/) yours before committing to verify it will match your files. `^` refers to the file's path from the root of the repository, so `^README\.md$` would exclude [README.md]( ../tree/HEAD/README.md) (on whichever branch you're using).

Originally posted by @github-actions in https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/12089#issuecomment-1006803935