h6ah4i / android-openslmediaplayer

Re-implementation of Android's MediaPlayer and audio effect classes based on OpenSL ES APIs.
Apache License 2.0
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prepareAsync() doesn't work #40

Open anonym24 opened 7 years ago

anonym24 commented 7 years ago

I created a hybrid player in my service. When I do this:

       try {
       } catch (IOException e) {
            Log.i(TAG, "mMediaPlayer setDataSource e: " + e);


       public boolean onError(IBasicMediaPlayer mp, int what, int extra) {
           Log.i(TAG, "MediaPlayer: onError " + " " + what + " " + extra);
           return false;

It just instantly calls onError & onCompletion and tries to play the next song, fails again with the same error and so on

04-29 20:13:56.809 26389-26389/com.android.testpalyer E/OpenSLMediaPlayer: An error occurred in getCurrentPosition()
04-29 20:13:56.815 26389-26389/com.android.testpalyer I/LOGGG: MediaPlayer: onError  -38 0
04-29 20:13:56.815 26389-26389/com.android.testpalyer I/LOGGG: MediaPlayer: onCompletion
04-29 20:13:56.890 26389-26389/com.android.testpalyer I/LOGGG: MediaPlayer: onError  -38 0
04-29 20:13:56.890 26389-26389/com.android.testpalyer I/LOGGG: MediaPlayer: onCompletion
04-29 20:13:56.977 26389-26389/com.android.testpalyer I/LOGGG: MediaPlayer: onError  -38 0
04-29 20:13:56.979 26389-26389/com.android.testpalyer I/LOGGG: MediaPlayer: onCompletion
04-29 20:13:57.059 26389-26389/com.android.testpalyer I/LOGGG: MediaPlayer: onError  -38 0
04-29 20:13:57.060 26389-26389/com.android.testpalyer I/LOGGG: MediaPlayer: onCompletion
04-29 20:13:57.157 26389-26389/com.android.testpalyer I/LOGGG: MediaPlayer: onError  -38 0
04-29 20:13:57.159 26389-26389/com.android.testpalyer I/LOGGG: MediaPlayer: onCompletion
anonym24 commented 7 years ago

And when I run mMediaPlayer.prepareAsync(); in new Thread, then everything is ok, but I don't think this is a normal solution, this should work without creating any new threads (like with default android mediaplayer)

        try {
            new Thread(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            Log.i(TAG, "mMediaPlayer setDataSource e: " + e);
SluggedGerm2 commented 7 years ago

I also confirm that prepareAsync() not load OnPreparedListener(). It dose only the first time, cold be the .resete()?

h6ah4i commented 7 years ago

@anonym24 @SluggedGerm2 Hi. Sorry for the late response 😞 I tried to reproduce it today, but it cannot be done yet. Could you provide a sample project which can reproduce the issue?

04-29 20:13:56.809 26389-26389/com.android.testpalyer E/OpenSLMediaPlayer: An error occurred in getCurrentPosition() 04-29 20:13:56.815 26389-26389/com.android.testpalyer I/LOGGG: MediaPlayer: onError -38 0

This seems that you are calling getCurrentPosition() method in wrong state. Please refer to the "Valid and invalid states" table on the official MediaPlayer document.

SluggedGerm2 commented 7 years ago
public OpenSLMediaPlayer player;
    private OpenSLMediaPlayerContext openSLMediaPlayerContext;
    public Song nextSong;
    private Song actual_playing;

    public customPlayer(Context context){
OpenSLMediaPlayerContext.Parameters parameters = new OpenSLMediaPlayerContext.Parameters();
        parameters.streamType = AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC;
        openSLMediaPlayerContext = new OpenSLMediaPlayerContext(context,parameters);                
        player = new OpenSLMediaPlayer(openSLMediaPlayerContext,Settings.OPTION_USE_FADE);          
        player.setOnPreparedListener(new OnPreparedListener());                                     //I add one single time the prepared listener

        nextSong = null;

        actual_listSong = new ArrayList<>();

class OnPreparedListener implements IBasicMediaPlayer.OnPreparedListener{
        public void onPrepared(IBasicMediaPlayer mp) {

private void playSong(final Context context, final Song song){
if (player == null) {   //create the player if it is null
            new customPlayer(context);
        } else {
            player.reset(); //reset the player anyway. If it is playing, or has finished to play, setdatasource wan't crash without the reset of mediaplayer
            //player.setOnPreparedListener(new OnPreparedListener()); //I tried here to reset the player,but didn't work
        Uri contentUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(android.provider.MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, song.getID());
        if (contentUri == null) {
            Log.i(LOG_TAG,"Error finding the media Id : " + song.getTitle() + " - " + song.getID());

        setNextSong();  //update the next song

        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            Toast.makeText(context,e.getMessage() + " (" + actual_playing.getTitle() + ")",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

Using prepareAsync() the OnPrepared is called the first time but not the following times. For this reason i'm using normal prepare() I also tried to create an asynctask and simulate the prepareAsync() but didn't work, some error occured

h6ah4i commented 7 years ago

@SluggedGerm2 Thanks, but it cannot be reproduced yet on my setup. Could you try the following repository, it is a simple sample project based on your code.


My setup:

SluggedGerm2 commented 7 years ago

Your sample works :/ what is the trick?

anonym24 commented 7 years ago

@h6ah4i for me my own project seems to be working ok now, not sure what happened I tried 0.7.3 & 0.7.5 and both worked ok. I'll let you know if issue happens again and upload example

also I'll check my old backuped projects, and compare with the latest one and mb find out something

SluggedGerm2 commented 7 years ago

@h6ah4i: I have updated my project from 0.7.3 to 0.7.5 and now the prepareAsync() is called some times, but still not always. I can't see anything common for songs that never arrived to OnPreparedListener. The same song sometimes works and other time not. I thought that cold be the thread that simultaneasly try to read the the song cover art, but also disabling this thread prepareAsync doesn't work. Disabling this thread there isn't anything more can interfare with song prepare, i think For example now I'm trying to play always same two songs. Sometimes both works, sometimes only one, and sometimes none works. But your sample works. I can't understand what's wrong.

anonym24 commented 7 years ago

I guess I quite understood the problem, so mb it really because of calling such methods like .getDuration , .getCurrentPosition in the wrong state (e.g. before source/song was prepared). And it seems that OpenslMediaPlayer calls onCompletion method when these errors happens - here I guess the difference between OpenslMediaPlayer& Default Android MediaPlayer. So for Default Android MediaPlayer these errors weren't critical, it didn't call onCompletion and it still calls onPrepared so there was no loop with fast switching to the next song (in onCompletion method I call my nextSong method)

anonym24 commented 7 years ago

yes, now I'm sure. If we for example call mMediaPlayer.getCurrentPosition() while something is being prepared async (with prepareAsync method), OpenslMediaPlayer will call onError and onCompletion and will NOT call onPrepared. Default Android MediaPlayer doesn't behave like this with prepareAsync

SluggedGerm2 commented 7 years ago

@anonym24 Thanks for this clarification! now I can try to avoid this problem :)

SluggedGerm2 commented 7 years ago

I solved with a simple boolean that is setted to false when setDataSource is setted (so before prepareAsync) and is setted to true when the Onprepared is called. So I ovveride dangerous methods like getCurrentPosition() to make it only working if the boolean is true

anonym24 commented 7 years ago

@SluggedGerm2 yeah I did exactly the same :)

SluggedGerm2 commented 7 years ago

@anonym24 @h6ah4i Thanks a lot for your kind help

TavishBarua commented 4 years ago

@anonym24 @h6ah4i @SluggedGerm2 Is there anyone to guide me for the same. Actually I'm also facing the same scenario even after performing the above suggestions And my audio glitches if I perform prepare()

fun startSong() { mHandler?.removeCallbacks(sendUpdatesToUI)

    mSong = mSongs[mSongPos]
    mMediaPlayerPrepared = false
    try {
        mSongDataHelper = SongDataHelper()
        mSongDataHelper?.populateSongData(mContext!!, null, mSongPos)
        mMediaPlayer1?.setDataSource(mContext!!, getUri(mSongs[mSongPos]._id!!))

    } catch (ex: Exception) {

/ Prepared Listener /

private val onPreparedListener =
        IBasicMediaPlayer.OnPreparedListener {
            mMediaPlayerPrepared = true
            if (mPlayingForFirstTime) {
                mPlayingForFirstTime = false

            val intent = Intent(Constants.ACTION_UPDATE_NOW_PLAYING_UI)
            intent.putExtra(Constants.UPDATE_UI, true)
metinsevindik commented 3 years ago

@anonym24 @h6ah4i @SluggedGerm2 Is there anyone to guide me for the same. Actually I'm also facing the same scenario even after performing the above suggestions And my audio glitches if I perform prepare()

fun startSong() { mHandler?.removeCallbacks(sendUpdatesToUI)

    mSong = mSongs[mSongPos]
    mMediaPlayerPrepared = false
    try {
        mSongDataHelper = SongDataHelper()
        mSongDataHelper?.populateSongData(mContext!!, null, mSongPos)
        mMediaPlayer1?.setDataSource(mContext!!, getUri(mSongs[mSongPos]._id!!))

    } catch (ex: Exception) {

/ Prepared Listener /

private val onPreparedListener =
        IBasicMediaPlayer.OnPreparedListener {
            mMediaPlayerPrepared = true
            if (mPlayingForFirstTime) {
                mPlayingForFirstTime = false

            val intent = Intent(Constants.ACTION_UPDATE_NOW_PLAYING_UI)
            intent.putExtra(Constants.UPDATE_UI, true)

Wonderfull. Thanks