hRun / SA-haveibeenpwned

Splunk add-on providing a custom search command to query Troy Hunt's haveibeenpwned API ( for known breaches of your domains or mail addresses.
Apache License 2.0
6 stars 4 forks source link

Proxy connection Error #8

Closed skydandrear closed 1 year ago

skydandrear commented 1 year ago

Hi, we noticed that inside the python code ( when the connection is made through the proxy, the call is not executed because it lacks the call to the function that completes the call of the http_client and allows to execute a new request.

Here is the code: Line 156

150    if proxy_type == "http":
151              try:
152                        connection = http_client.HTTPSConnection('{0}'.format(proxy_url.split('//')[-1].rstrip('/')), port=proxy_port)
153                        connection.set_tunnel('', port=443, headers=auth_headers)
154                        connection.request('HEAD', '/api/v3', headers=headers)
155                        r = connection.getresponse()

This is one of the solutions we have set up.

Best regards,

Roberto and team

hRun commented 1 year ago

Hi Roberto and team,

Sorry for the late reply. You are of course entirely correct, I don't know how I missed this. Feel free to create a pull request with the fix to take credit. Otherwise, I'll publish a fix in the coming days.

Best regards, Harun