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MVC bug? #136

Closed brunosaboia closed 8 years ago

brunosaboia commented 8 years ago

Dear Phil,

It seems that I found a bug in MVC.

If you have a @model such as:

Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, int>>>>>

(I know that this structure is bad, that is not the point, so don't be angry at me :smiley: )

Then Intellisense stops working for that view, and trying to access you give a compilation error, which I am attaching.

. If you wrap this weird data structure in a class, then you can access it normally.




haacked commented 8 years ago

Hi @brunosaboia, I no longer work at Microsoft. The good news is that you can report bugs with ASP.NET MVC on GitHub at https://github.com/aspnet/Mvc.