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Writing a guide for Git under Windows #145

Closed wsargent closed 6 years ago

wsargent commented 7 years ago

I've been working on a guide for people moving onto Windows from MacOS (following the MBP debacle):


Most things work, but I haven't been able to get GPG4Win very well integrated, or the Windows version of OpenSSH working with gpg-agent. Do you know of any solutions or workarounds?

haacked commented 7 years ago

@wsargent I haven't attempted it yet. What specifically goes wrong with each?

wsargent commented 7 years ago


It looks like setting SSH_AUTH_SOCK to gpg4win does not make ssh happy:

set SSH_AUTH_SOCK="C:\Users\wsargent\AppData\Roaming\gnupg\S.gpg-agent.ssh"

Then you get:

Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.
haacked commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure. I mentioned it to my co-worker @shiftkey who may spend some time looking into it. But I can't promise a resolution any time soon.

haacked commented 6 years ago

If this is still an issue, please email support@github.com. Thanks!