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Blog inquiry #147

Closed zeenadhalla closed 7 years ago

zeenadhalla commented 7 years ago

Hi Phil! Didn't find an email address for you... so here I go using Github for the first time. Yes I am rather clueless in this arena. Which begs the question... why am I contacting you!?

I am impressed with your site and would love to have a chance to write a guest post for your blog. I see you're a super busy consultant and speaker, so having new content done for you might be a nice relief. I notice you often write "lifestyle" pieces on your blog so you might be open to an idea that is outside the box.

I am a Certified Posture Specialist and I help technology professional eliminate neck and back pain as a results for sitting for too many hours a day in poor posture. I have some blog post ideas for you if you're interested, but would prefer to pitch in a more "private" forum.

My blog is: www.VerticAlign.com. You can contact me there or send me your email address here.

And please forgive me if this is the incorrect forum to contact you. I had a bit of fun exploring this site and figured it was worth a shot...

In health and good posture,

Zeena Dhalla

haacked commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the offer, but I prefer my blog to represent my thoughts. I have no interest in a guest blogger.

zeenadhalla commented 7 years ago

Makes total sense. Thanks for the reply!!