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Open Source the code for Github desktop wpf app #183

Closed manojtrek closed 6 years ago

manojtrek commented 6 years ago

Hi Phil,

Thanks so much for all your work on blogs/code đź‘Ť

Since github has ditched the WPF based Github Desktop app for electron (We love electron...), I am wondering why it is not open sourced yet, It would be great help for the community who would like to know how github used libgitsharp c# library.

Let me know your thoughts on that...

haacked commented 6 years ago

At the time we wrote the app, we didn’t have OSS in mind unlike the new Desktop app.

Going from closed source to open is sometimes harder than it looks. We have dependencies on internal systems. The history needs to be scrubbed. Etc. etc.

Also, we’re very busy building the future of Desktop. Throwing the source code over the wall would be a distraction because the code isn’t as well factored as we’d like. It’d create more questions than answers. And a lot of the techniques we used have been supplanted by better approaches.

I’m not sure what exactly you’d want to learn from it, but you might consider looking at the code in:

A lot of the interesting UI code there was extracted from GitHub for Windows and improved upon. And those projects are OSS and maintained.

Hope that helps.

knocte commented 6 years ago


That's a 404.

knocte commented 6 years ago

That's a 404.

Found the correct link: https://github.com/github/VisualStudio

haacked commented 6 years ago

@knocte whoops! Thanks! I corrected my original comment.