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Issue with resolving url with multiple parameters #210

Closed snaidamast closed 4 years ago

snaidamast commented 4 years ago

Hello Phil:

After a number of years of not doing web development, I have decided to get back into it and am in the process of teaching myself, ASP.NET MVC 5.

I must admit that I am finding it far more difficult than when I worked with MVC 2.

In any event, I am using your Route Debugger to validate the routes I am setting up in my RoutesConfig file and have come across a rather strange issue when I use multiple url parameters with parameter names other than "id".

As the attached document shows, the multiple parameter url passes your software's validation process but throws a "The resource cannot be found." However, the controller appears to be set up correctly with the named method defined to capture multiple parameters.

No matter what type of variation I use when defining this particular url, I consistently get the same error even when these other various urls pass your tool's validation process.

Has something seriously changed in MVC 5 that has not been noted in the various documents and books I am studying or am I doing something that is making my url fail to find its action method?

Any help would be greatly appreciated in resolving this matter as I cannot find any documentation that demonstrates how to correct this issue...

Thank you. Steve Naidamast Sr. Software Engineer blackfalconsoftware@outlook.com

Document - please note that my code is in VB.NET RoutingIssue.docx

haacked commented 4 years ago

@snaidamast I'm nots sure why that wouldn'twork. Have you tried posting this to StackOverflow?

snaidamast commented 4 years ago

@haacked I have tried everything from a variety of documents I have researched and nothing with a named parameter works, though your software tool clearly picks up the information I was expecting.

If I simply use the "id" default parameter name I can pass that information into a controller method.

I also have a book by Adam Freeman, "Pro ASP.NET MVC 5", which interestingly enough, does not show the use of named parameters.

I wonder if there is a restriction against using named parameters in MVC 5...

Steve Naidamast Sr. Software Engineer blackfalconsoftware@outlook.com

haacked commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure the problem is with named parameters but with optional parameters on the actual controller method.

What happens if you change SearchA to something like:

Public Function SearchA(id As String, employeename As String) As String
    Return ("Employee Controller - Search Method - id:" + id + "     name:" + employeename) 
End Function
snaidamast commented 4 years ago

@haacked I did some more testing this afternoon by rebuilding my routes from scratch and suddenly the named parameter method worked. Considering all of the variations I tried, this success caught me by surprise.

The code is below...

Steve Naidamast Sr. Software Engineer blackfalconsoftware@outlook.com

`Imports System Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports System.Linq Imports System.Web Imports System.Web.Mvc Imports System.Web.Routing

Public Module RouteConfig

Public Sub RegisterRoutes(ByVal routes As RouteCollection)


    ' DEFAULT {Home}
    ' -----
    routes.MapRoute( _
        name:="Default", _
        url:="{controller}/{action}", _
        New With {.controller = "Home", .action = "Index"} _

    ' -----
    ' working url: https://localhost:44323/Employee/
    routes.MapRoute( _
        name:="Employee", _
        url:="{controller}/{action}", _
        defaults:=New With {.controller = "Employee", .action = "Index"}

    ' working url: https://localhost:44323/Employee/Search/Me
    routes.MapRoute( _
        name:="EmployeeSearch", _
        url:="{controller}/{action}/{employeename}", _
        defaults:=New With {.controller = "Employee", .action = "Search"}
End Sub

End Module`

haacked commented 4 years ago

Good to hear!