haarnoja / sac

Soft Actor-Critic
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SAC and cross-maze ant #8

Open acohen13 opened 6 years ago

acohen13 commented 6 years ago


Can SAC run with the cross-maze variation for ant? With the default parameters, the command:

"python ./examples/mujoco_all_sac.py --env=ant --domain=ant --task=cross-maze --policy=gmm --log_dir=data/ant_cross-experiment"

does not throw any errors but "Launches 0 experiments." I was able to track the problem down to rllab's _ivariants_sorted function in class VariantGenerator in misc/instrument.py which returns a generator for an empty list when the cross-maze task is specified (it seems to work for Multidirection) as a opposed to a list with a dictionary containing run parameters.

Am I doing something wrong or not including a run flag?

Other than that, thanks for sharing the code!

ahq1993 commented 5 years ago

Hi, Thanks for uploading the code. I am running into the same issue. Not able to run ant: cross-maze. It throws "Launches 0 experiments" and does nothing.

GbengaOdesanmi commented 5 years ago

Hi, thanks for uploading this code. Please I am having this error while trying to run the code

OSError: /mujoco_models/libmujoco150.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory