After an upgrade from TYPO3 v9.5 with EXT:page_speed_insights 2.1 to TYPO3 11.5 and EXT:page_speed_insights 3.0 I ended up with this error message:
Invalid service "dashboard.widget.lighthouse.accessibilityScore": class "TYPO3\CMS\Dashboard\Widgets\WidgetInterface" not found while loading "Haassie\PageSpeedInsights\Widgets\LighthouseScoreWidget".
After an upgrade from TYPO3 v9.5 with EXT:page_speed_insights 2.1 to TYPO3 11.5 and EXT:page_speed_insights 3.0 I ended up with this error message:
So I would like to suggest to either require EXT:dashboard in composer.json or to do a check if EXT:dashboard is loaded (e.g. like here: