haavardj / ngx-cron-editor

Graphically build CRON expressions in Angular 15+
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Angular Cron Expression Editor does not work properly for "daily tab" Week Day (MON-FRI) radio option #35

Open MartinMilata opened 7 months ago

MartinMilata commented 7 months ago

1.Go to daily tab 2.Click Week Day (MON-FRI) radio option 3.Set for example at time: 1H, 5min, 3sec - expression will be changed to Expression: 3 5 1 ? MON-FRI 4.This expression I saved to db - 3 5 1 ? MON-FRI 5.ngOnInit I get this expression data from db, and set reactive forms like this:

this.form = this.fb.group({
cronExpression: [this.item.cronExpression] });

  1. There are not set radio option Week Day (MON-FRI) , there are set first radio option..All other inputs are set correctly..
  2. This problem IS NOT in monthly or yearly tab, where we also have two radio options.. In those tabs monthly, yearly - there are those seconds radion options set correctly... When I click to update button - I mean <mat-button-toggle i18n (click)="form.patchValue({expression: form.value.expression})">Update the Week Day (MON-FRI) radio option is set correctly...

My code: ts: cronOptions: CronOptions = { defaultTime: "00:00:00",

hideMinutesTab: false,
hideHourlyTab: false,
hideDailyTab: false,
hideWeeklyTab: false,
hideMonthlyTab: false,
hideYearlyTab: false,
hideAdvancedTab: true,
hideSpecificWeekDayTab: false,
hideSpecificMonthWeekTab: false,

use24HourTime: true,
hideSeconds: false,

cronFlavor: "quartz" //standard or quartz


html <cron-editor formControlName="cronExpression" [options]="cronOptions">

haavardj commented 1 month ago

Should be (partially) fixed in release 0.10.1

MartinMilata commented 5 days ago

I updated to 10.1. but the problem is still there. It is not fixed...

haavardj commented 4 days ago

I have replicated the error. Let me see if it is fixable.