habitat-sh / habitat-operator

A Kubernetes operator for Habitat services
Apache License 2.0
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Clarify installation steps for setting up habitat-operator #322

Closed qubitrenegade closed 5 years ago

qubitrenegade commented 6 years ago


Installation instructions assume you have installed and correctly configured Go.

However, as someone with little experience I knew nothing about setting GOPATH.

What I had to do, after installing go to get the habitat-operator to work was the following:

echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin' >> ~/.profile

Then after sourcing .profile (or relogging) my habitat-operator binary was in my PATH!


krnowak commented 6 years ago

While I don't think that we should document how to set up go, we could add it to the list of prerequisites together with a link to https://golang.org/doc/install.

Same for setting up the kubernetes cluster - we can point the user to minikube (https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/minikube/)

As for habitat-operator --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config command - we can either tell the user to add $GOPATH/bin to their $PATH or just use $GOPATH/bin/habitat-operator --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config.

krnowak commented 6 years ago

Other things we could do better in docs is some kind of FAQ or HowDoI. For example how to configure the service through user.toml, like: