habitat-sh / habitat-operator

A Kubernetes operator for Habitat services
Apache License 2.0
61 stars 17 forks source link

Wrong habitat config, could not be debugged easily #335

Open surajssd opened 6 years ago

surajssd commented 6 years ago

What's wrong?

When a wrong habitat config is provided using kubectl, it is not very clear if something has gone wrong.

Steps to reproduce

Built it from the current master: 14905ccf3af53eca2bc06ab9ef98646c84f75b8c

$ build-habitat-operator.sh                                                                                                                                                                                 
+ cd /home/hummer/go/src/github.com/habitat-sh/habitat-operator/cmd/habitat-operator
+ go install

and I have this habitat file

$ cat habitat.yml
apiVersion: habitat.sh/v1beta1
kind: Habitat
  name: random
# this field could also be left out
  foo: bar

Which is an invalid file and I expect some errors, but I see no error while creating it:

$ kubectl create -f habitat.yml 
habitat.habitat.sh/random created

Steps to debug

No events reported at all, when checked using kubectl get events.

I see errors only where the operator is being run. The error being: msg="Habitat could not be synced, requeueing" err="unknown topology: " obj=default/random

$ habitat-operator --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config
ts=2018-08-13T17:58:10.485445153+05:30 level=info msg="created Habitat CRD"
ts=2018-08-13T17:58:10.485664107+05:30 level=info component=controller/v1beta1 msg="Watching Habitat objects"                                                                                                     
ts=2018-08-13T17:58:10.50095929+05:30 level=info msg="Habitat CRD already exists, continuing"
ts=2018-08-13T17:58:10.501139664+05:30 level=info component=controller/v1beta2 msg="Watching Habitat objects"                                                                                                     

ts=2018-08-13T17:59:30.853233346+05:30 level=error component=controller/v1beta1 msg="Habitat could not be synced, requeueing" err="unknown topology: " obj=default/random                                         
ts=2018-08-13T17:59:30.858439017+05:30 level=error component=controller/v1beta1 msg="Habitat could not be synced, requeueing" err="unknown topology: " obj=default/random                                         
ts=2018-08-13T17:59:30.868620135+05:30 level=error component=controller/v1beta1 msg="Habitat could not be synced, requeueing" err="unknown topology: " obj=default/random                                         
ts=2018-08-13T17:59:30.88881805+05:30 level=error component=controller/v1beta1 msg="Habitat could not be synced, requeueing" err="unknown topology: " obj=default/random                                          
ts=2018-08-13T17:59:30.929034506+05:30 level=error component=controller/v1beta1 msg="Habitat could not be synced, requeueing" err="unknown topology: " obj=default/random                                         
ts=2018-08-13T17:59:31.009246809+05:30 level=error component=controller/v1beta1 msg="Habitat could not be synced, requeueing" err="unknown topology: " obj=default/random                                         
ts=2018-08-13T17:59:31.169442492+05:30 level=error component=controller/v1beta1 msg="Habitat could not be synced, requeueing" err="unknown topology: " obj=default/random                                         
ts=2018-08-13T17:59:31.489618672+05:30 level=error component=controller/v1beta1 msg="Habitat could not be synced, requeueing" err="unknown topology: " obj=default/random                                         
ts=2018-08-13T17:59:32.129864234+05:30 level=error component=controller/v1beta1 msg="Habitat could not be synced, requeueing" err="unknown topology: " obj=default/random                                         
ts=2018-08-13T17:59:33.410042857+05:30 level=error component=controller/v1beta1 msg="Habitat could not be synced, requeueing" err="unknown topology: " obj=default/random                                         
ts=2018-08-13T17:59:35.970280165+05:30 level=error component=controller/v1beta1 msg="Habitat could not be synced, requeueing" err="unknown topology: " obj=default/random                                         
ts=2018-08-13T17:59:41.090486135+05:30 level=error component=controller/v1beta1 msg="Habitat could not be synced, requeueing" err="unknown topology: " obj=default/random                                         
ts=2018-08-13T17:59:51.330690499+05:30 level=error component=controller/v1beta1 msg="Habitat could not be synced, requeueing" err="unknown topology: " obj=default/random                                         
ts=2018-08-13T18:00:10.501855564+05:30 level=error component=controller/v1beta1 msg="Habitat could not be synced, requeueing" err="unknown topology: " obj=default/random                                         
ts=2018-08-13T18:00:11.810923475+05:30 level=error component=controller/v1beta1 msg="Habitat could not be synced, requeueing" err="unknown topology: " obj=default/random                                         
ts=2018-08-13T18:01:10.502015212+05:30 level=error component=controller/v1beta1 msg="Habitat could not be synced, requeueing" err="unknown topology: " obj=default/random

Questions and suggestions

$ kubectl get habitats.habitat.sh random -o yaml
apiVersion: habitat.sh/v1beta1
kind: Habitat
  clusterName: ""
  creationTimestamp: 2018-08-13T12:29:30Z
  generation: 1
  name: random
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "261044"
  selfLink: /apis/habitat.sh/v1beta1/namespaces/default/habitats/random
  uid: 86f7a3df-9ef4-11e8-ba7d-080027cc5126
  foo: bar


$ kubectl get habitats.habitat.sh
random    4m
surajssd commented 6 years ago

related https://github.com/habitat-sh/habitat-operator/issues/185