Fixes #83
New configfile edits where not captured when code uses previous configfile. This PR removes the prevConfig retrieval by which we go back to forcing user to always specify the config file manually, which ensures that there can be no misunderstanding about what config file was used. The configfile is stored, so even if browser closes it will not be lost. Maybe in the future we can streamline this and still do some kind of configfile memorisation, but for now this address the issue and it helps to reduce code complexity.
Checklist before merging:
[x] Existing tests still work (check by running the test suite, e.g. from RStudio).
[ ] Added tests (if you added functionality) or fixed existing test (if you fixed a bug).
[x] Updated or expanded the documentation.
[ ] Updated release notes in inst/NEWS.Rd with a user-readable summary. Please, include references to relevant issues or PR discussions.
[ ] Added your name to the contributors lists in the DESCRIPTION and CITATION.cff files.
Fixes #83 New configfile edits where not captured when code uses previous configfile. This PR removes the prevConfig retrieval by which we go back to forcing user to always specify the config file manually, which ensures that there can be no misunderstanding about what config file was used. The configfile is stored, so even if browser closes it will not be lost. Maybe in the future we can streamline this and still do some kind of configfile memorisation, but for now this address the issue and it helps to reduce code complexity.
Checklist before merging:
with a user-readable summary. Please, include references to relevant issues or PR discussions.DESCRIPTION