In org.tum.factum.pattern.ide/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF the following imports lead to errors:
I tried to remove them and everything works. Maybe we can remove them from the example?
I'm having issues generating xtext artifacts and there are very few pointers online.
Is the current release expected to work?
And if not when is the next release scheduled for?
In org.tum.factum.pattern.ide/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF the following imports lead to errors: org.eclipse.xtext.ui.codetemplates.ui.contentassist.antlr, org.eclipse.xtext.ui.codetemplates.ui.contentassist.antlr.internal, org.eclipse.xtext.ui.codetemplates.ui.contentassist.antlr.lexer,
I tried to remove them and everything works. Maybe we can remove them from the example?