When I connect to my spring-boot-application via JConsole as described in Ch. 18, no Actuator-Endpoints are visible. The domain "org.springframework.boot" is missing in the menue.
After setting spring.jmx.enabled=true in the application-properties, Actuator-Endpoints are accessible. Seems that, in contrast to the text, JMX-endpoints are not accessible by default. I've also found it in the docs:
When I connect to my spring-boot-application via JConsole as described in Ch. 18, no Actuator-Endpoints are visible. The domain "org.springframework.boot" is missing in the menue. After setting spring.jmx.enabled=true in the application-properties, Actuator-Endpoints are accessible. Seems that, in contrast to the text, JMX-endpoints are not accessible by default. I've also found it in the docs: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/2.2.4.RELEASE/reference/html/production-ready-features.html#production-ready-jmx