Telegraph: does not allow to send Webmentions for deleted targets from the page as it checks if the target is present or not on the page:
[x] Keep using ( as it has a good and reliable implementation for now.
[x] Make sure I'm using and parsing it correctly.
[x] Make sure verifies targets - I think it does. Do not need to implement a job queue in case it already does.
[x] Make sure it sends new webmentions for updated posts.
[x] Store the Webmention targets of a post on saving. This way, we can have a record of the existing targets and we can send the Webmention when the content is deleted.
[ ] CLI command / Interface Option to generate targets for all posts.
[ ] CLI command / Interface Option to re-send webmentions for all existing posts.
[ ] CLI command / Interface option to re-check if webmentions still exists
[ ] Interface Option to see page webmentions (private)
[x] Send Webmentions for deleted posts.
[x] Send Webmentions for previous and current targets combined so if I remove targets, they update it.
Currently I use Telegraph, but it rejects target links when they are relative in the page:
To do:
: #26