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Create Dynamic Data Visualizations Using D3 #9

Open mpoegel opened 9 years ago

mpoegel commented 9 years ago

not sure where to put it yet but probably on the home page. This is something I've wanted since the start.

Also would be fun to make it interactive i.e. filter by repository...

mpoegel commented 9 years ago

Also create graphs and charts with other data that we collect such as:

Perhaps we could show some of these during the event, having them update automatically with the incoming data, but save some of the best to show during the closing ceremonies.

If anyone has ideas for other data visualizations to create, please add a comment.

mpoegel commented 9 years ago

Add a graph to illustrate the mentors connections with the hackers: node network showing the who the mentors helped and how many they helped.

Perhaps something like this. The colors could represent the type of help received.

mpoegel commented 9 years ago

Now that we're collecting language data (sadly only the primarily repo language):