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The popular NoScript Security Suite browser extension.
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Disable DoS protection of XSS sanitizer #141

Open jtotht opened 4 years ago

jtotht commented 4 years ago

I usually open a bunch of pages at once. Sometimes this slows Firefox down to the point that NoScipt’s XSS protection kicks in after 20 seconds, and displays a warning instead of letting the page load normally:

NoScript detected a potential Cross-Site Scripting attack from [...] to https://domain. Suspicious data: Error: Timeout! DOS attack attempt?,(URL) actual URL

(https://domain and actual URL varying from case to case, of course). I would like to get rid of these warnings, as I’m sure that the denial of service attack is against my own computer and is started by myself. :) I don’t want, however, lose the real XSS protection that filters out suspicious URLs. Can I get a separate toggle to turn off DoS protection for all sites, while keeping XSS protection everywhere? After all, DoS protection is protecting sites anyway, not me… (I use the latest version, v11.0.25.)

NoScript XSS Warning

KOLANICH commented 3 years ago


grouvig commented 4 weeks ago

Same problem here with a low end computer, I experience too often false positive timeouts.