hackademix / noscript

The popular NoScript Security Suite browser extension.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature Request: Import settings from Managed Storage area (ie. configuration through central policies) #303

Open a-l-e-c opened 1 year ago

a-l-e-c commented 1 year ago

If managed storage is used, then it would allow the use of a managed storage manifest within a specific folder (read-only to extension) to pull in predefined default settings.

Essentially allowing configuration through central policies. Like how they have with uBlock.

So the idea (in Linux + FireFox at least) would be to create the custom folder; then the manifest file:

export MANIFEST_STORAGE="/home/user/.mozilla/managed-storage/73a6fe31-595d-460b-a920-fcc0f8843232.json" && touch $MANIFEST_STORAGE && echo '{
  "name": "73a6fe31-595d-460b-a920-fcc0f8843232",
  "description": "ignored",
  "type": "storage",
    "sites": "{\"custom\": {\"https://block.example.com\":{\"capabilities\":[],\"temp\": false}, \"https://media.example.com\":{\"capabilities\":[\"media\",\"font\"],\"temp\": false}},\"trusted\": [\"§:good.example.com\", \"§:ok.example.com\"],\"untrusted\": [\"ads.example.com\"]}"

Disclaimer: I'm not a developer, but I tried to research this as best I could and am confident it has all the required information to bring the attention to how important/useful this feature could be. I believe this would be a beneficial feature to an already amazing extension.

Mikaela commented 5 months ago

I would like this too so I could begin with empty allowlist (https://github.com/hackademix/noscript/issues/132) and then choose what sites to trust myself.

Another extension allowing configuration through policy is PrivacyBadger (admin-deployment.md) (schema.json).