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Webgl capability not highlighted when the page requests it #371

Open ABurningThrower opened 1 month ago

ABurningThrower commented 1 month ago


Recently, certain websites (namely nexusmods as seen in pic, and startpage) seem to have tweaked their code requiring webgl in order to download (nexus) or display results properly with js enabled (startpage).

I'm not very knowledgable about web dev so apologies if this whole issue is silly or unreasonable, but seeing as many of the other capabilities are highlighted without problem and the fact that I've seen webgl highlighted before, it would make sense if it was highlighted in these two cases and others (it also breaks on zoom but I assume most users stray away from sites like that; if you want more info on this I can link the page).

If you'd like to replicate my results, check it out yourself: nexus (note that you have to sign in, have cookies enabled and enable 'https://www.nexusmods.com' and 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com' scripts and fetch for both)

startpage (type in a result with script and fetch)