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Two step verification, any solution? #84

Open AlanShi0 opened 8 years ago

AlanShi0 commented 8 years ago

console output: Verification Required: This Apple ID is protected with two-step verification. To sign in, you must verify your identity.

Is there any solution?

davidhodge commented 8 years ago

I would also like to know!

kristoffergh commented 8 years ago

You need to make a device specific password, on appleid.apple.com

akaJedi commented 8 years ago

Hi, device specific password doesn't help. I got after that: Request /setup/authenticate/$APPLE_ID$ returned code 401 Disable it temporally

akaJedi commented 8 years ago

But bad thing about disable 2SA it you can turn it back only after 3 days.

You must wait 3 days before enabling two-step verification. For security reasons, you cannot set up two-step verification immediately after significant changes have been made to your account. This helps ensure that only the owner of this Apple ID can set up two-step verification. A notification email will be sent to all addresses on file in your account.

virtualritz commented 6 years ago

Hi, device specific password doesn't help. I got after that: Request /setup/authenticate/$APPLE_ID$ returned code 401 Disable it temporally

This is exactly what's happening for me with an app-specific password. What's the solution?

shafaypro commented 5 years ago

Hey @virtualritz @akaJedi did you find any solutions ?

virtualritz commented 5 years ago


shafaypro commented 5 years ago


The only way to analyze is using Itunes backup then because even the pyicloud is also using the web interface icloud with no backups located or shown in the web portal. and once you get two-way authentication then there is no way to go back until contacting the Customer support of Apple to remove two-way verification.