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Update pytest-runner to 5.1 #198

Open pyup-bot opened 5 years ago

pyup-bot commented 5 years ago

This PR updates pytest-runner from 2.11.1 to 5.1.

Changelog ### 5.1 ``` === * 49: Surgically restore support for older setuptools versions. ``` ### 5.0 ``` === * 42: Prefer pyproject.toml * Refresh package metadata. * This release now intentionally introduces the changes unintionally brought about in 4.5 and 4.3, where the adoption of declarative config adds a new requirement on setuptools 30.4 or later. On systems running older setuptools, installation of pytest-runner via ``easy_install`` (or ``setup_requires``), will result in a ``DistributionNotFound`` exception. All projects should pin to ``pytest-runner < 5`` or upgrade the environment to ``setuptools >= 30.4`` (prior to invoking setup.py). ``` ### 4.5.1 ``` ===== * 48: Revert changes from 4.5 - restoring project to the state at 4.4. ``` ### 4.5 ``` === (Pulled from PyPI due to 43 and 48) * Packaging (skeleton) refresh, including adoption of `black <https://pypi.org/project/black>`_ for style. ``` ### 4.4 ``` === * 43: Detect condition where declarative config will cause errors and emit a UserWarning with guidance on necessary actions. ``` ### 4.3.1 ``` ===== * 43: Re-release of 4.2 to supersede the 4.3 release which proved to be backward-incompatible in that it requires setuptools 30.4 or possibly later (to install). In the future, a backward-incompatible release will re-release these changes. For projects including pytest-runner, particularly as ``setup_requires``, if support for older setuptools is required, please pin to ``pytest-runner < 5``. ``` ### 4.3 ``` === (Pulled from PyPI due to 43) * 42: Update project metadata, including pyproject.toml declaration. ``` ### 4.2 ``` === * 40: Remove declared dependency and instead assert it at run time. ``` ### 4.1 ``` === * 40: Declare dependency on Setuptools in package metadata. ``` ### 4.0 ``` === * Drop support for Setuptools before Setuptools 27.3.0. ``` ### 3.0.1 ``` ===== * 38: Fixed AttributeError when running with ``--dry-run``. ``PyTest.run()`` no longer stores nor returns the result code. Based on the commit message for `840ff4c < https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-runner/commit/840ff4c2bf6c752d9770f0dd8d64a841060cf9bc>`_, nothing has ever relied on that value. ``` ### 3.0 ``` === * Dropped support for Python 2.6 and 3.1. ``` ### 2.12.2 ``` ====== * 33: Packaging refresh. ``` ### 2.12.1 ``` ====== * 32: Fix support for ``dependency_links``. ``` ### 2.12 ``` ==== * 30: Rework support for ``--allow-hosts`` and ``--index-url``, removing dependence on ``setuptools.Distribution``'s private member. Additionally corrects logic in marker evaluation along with unit tests! ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/pytest-runner - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/pytest-runner/ - Repo: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-runner/