hackclub / hacklang

🖥 A programming language created for and by hackclubbers.
MIT License
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Add Keywords To OPENKEYWORDS.md #7

Open aditya1rawat opened 4 years ago

aditya1rawat commented 4 years ago

We are always in need of defining more keywords & operators to convert to hacklang. Let us know if we are missing any in our OPENKEYWORDS.md and make sure to check if they are already taken in README.md

Then Fill Out The Application Here: https://airtable.com/shr69zRPjSpmrLdmh

jbis9051 commented 4 years ago

See develop branch

aditya1rawat commented 4 years ago

This should always stay open. People can see this when they come to the repo and can "apply" for keywords