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Update Minecraft Modding workshop #131

Open transcental opened 3 weeks ago

transcental commented 3 weeks ago

The workshop for mc modding is super outdated, let's get it updated to the latest version?

SkyfallWasTaken commented 3 weeks ago

I don't use Forge, but I have a couple suggestions:

When you click on "Mdk", you will be taken to a very sketchy-looking page with a bunch of ads. Your computer will be fine, but DO NOT click on anything on the page! Wait 5 seconds, then a button that says "Skip" will appear at the top right. Click the "Skip" button to download the Forge MDK. Sadly, navigating spam and adware is normal in the Minecraft world. It's not a big deal, but it's something you should be aware of and navigate through carefully if you choose to continue mod or plugin development.

I think telling users to install something like this would be beneficial? Sure, it's more work than just waiting 5 seconds, but they'd probably have to go through the dodgy ads in the future 🙃 and I think that a userscript could be helpful for them in the future.

It also looks like MDK has the starter configs now? https://docs.minecraftforge.net/en/latest/gettingstarted/ We should probably point people to that, so they won't be stuck when making their own mods in the future. Alternatively, we could point people to the Minecraft Dev IntelliJ plugin.

A Logger is just a method that makes it easy to log things to the console. You don't really need to know the specifics of what it does if you don't already know what it is.

We should probably explain log4j with two or three more sentences? The current explanation is fairly vague.

Apologies for the random nitpicks :)