hacker-frok / LiteLoaderQQNT-Plugin-Nostalgic

MIT License
41 stars 1 forks source link

Bug: 启动时有概率未正常加载 #9

Closed QingFeng-awa closed 2 months ago

QingFeng-awa commented 2 months ago







Windows 11 23H2









[preload] process type: [app]module file name: C:\Program Files\Tencent\QQNT\QQ.exe [preload] hotupdate base version: 9.9.9-23424 [preload] hotupdate current version: 9.9.9-23424 [preload] install app version: 9.9.9-23424

[preload] succeeded. C:\Program Files\Tencent\QQNT\resources\app\versions\9.9.9-23424\major.node [preload] succeeded. C:\Program Files\Tencent\QQNT\resources\app\app_launcher\launcher.node [preload] succeeded. C:\Program Files\Tencent\QQNT\resources\app\versions\9.9.9-23424\wrapper.node [LiteLoader] Start finding all plugins. [LiteLoader] Found plugin: QQ纯享模式 [LiteLoader] Found plugin: QQCleaner [LiteLoader] Found plugin: DeepL [LiteLoader] Found plugin: 演示模式 [LiteLoader] Found plugin: 使用自定义浏览器打开链接并跳过拦截页 [LiteLoader] Found plugin: Euphony [LiteLoader] Found plugin: Fake Message [LiteLoader] Found plugin: 繁化姬 (Incompatible) [LiteLoader] Found plugin: 轻量工具箱 [LiteLoader] Found plugin: LLAPI [LiteLoader] Found plugin: 本地查看图片和视频 [LiteLoader] Found plugin: More Materials [LiteLoader] Found plugin: MSpring Theme (Disabled) [LiteLoader] Found plugin: QQ怀旧模式 [LiteLoader] Found plugin: pURLfy [LiteLoader] Found plugin: 二维码解析 [LiteLoader] Found plugin: Scriptio [LiteLoader] Found plugin: Transitio [LiteLoader] Found 18 plugins, start loading plugins. [preload] register done. launcher.node [preload] register done. major.node Error occurred in handler for 'get-remote-win': Error: No handler registered for 'get-remote-win' at WebContents. (node:electron/js2c/browser_init:2:86829) at WebContents.emit (node:events:517:28) [preload] register done. wrapper.node [LLAPI] Page finished loading 返回配置文件 {} [LLAPI] Page finished loading 返回配置文件 {} 使用默认配置 更新配置文件 { debug: { console: false, mainConsole: false, autoCompileScss: false, showWeb: false, showChannedCommunication: false }, compatibleLLAPI: false, keywordReminder: { enabled: false, keyList: [] }, wordSearch: { enabled: true, searchUrl: 'https://www.bing.com/search?q=%search%' }, imageSearch: { enabled: false, searchUrl: 'https://saucenao.com/search.php?url=%search%' }, localEmoticons: { enabled: true, quickEmoticons: false, quickEmoticonsAutoInputOnlyOne: false, quickEmoticonsActiveKey: '/', sendBigImage: false, majorization: true, commonlyEmoticons: false, copyFileTolocalEmoticons: true, toLeftSlot: true, hoverShowCommonlyEmoticons: false, commonlyNum: 28, rowsSize: 6, localPath: 'C:\Program Files\LiteLoaderQQNT\LocalExpression' }, sidebar: { top: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ], bottom: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ] }, imageViewer: { quickClose: false, touchMove: false }, message: { previreUrl: { enabled: true, dontLoadPic: false }, goBackMainList: true, HighlightReplies: true, disabledSticker: true, disabledHotGIF: true, disabledBadge: false, disabledSlideMultipleSelection: false, convertMiniPrgmArk: true, showMsgTime: true, showMsgTimeFullDate: true, showMsgTimeToSenderName: true, replaceBtn: true, doubleClickReplace: true, removeReplyAt: true, mergeMessage: true, mergeMessageKeepTime: true, selfMsgToLeft: false, onlyAvatar: false, removeBubbleLimit: true, removeVipName: false, imageAutoWidth: true, currentLocation: false, overrideFont: { family: '', style: '', fullName: '', postscriptName: '' }, preventNSFW: { enabled: false, includesAnimationEmoticons: false, list: [] }, avatarSticky: { enabled: true, toBottom: false } }, messageToImage: { enabled: false, highResolution: false, path: '' }, preventMessageRecall: { enabled: true, localStorage: true, customColor: true, preventSelfMsg: true, blockAllRetractions: true, textColor: { light: '#ff6666', dark: '#c70000' } }, tail: { enabled: false, tips: false, list: [ [Object] ] }, textAreaFuncList: [ { name: '表情', id: 'id-func-bar-expression', disabled: false }, { name: '截图', id: 'id-func-bar-screenshot', disabled: true }, { name: '文件', id: 'id-func-bar-folder', disabled: false }, { name: '图片', id: 'id-func-bar-image', disabled: false }, { name: '红包', id: 'id-func-bar-lucky_money', disabled: true }, { name: '语音消息', id: 'id-func-bar-microphone_on', disabled: true }, { name: '机器人指令', id: 'id-func-bar-channel_robot', disabled: true }, { name: '聊天记录', id: 'id-func-bar-MessageRecord', disabled: false }, { name: '翻译', id: 'deepl-bar-icon', disabled: false }, { name: '窗口抖动', id: 'id-func-bar-shake', disabled: false } ], chatAreaFuncList: [ { name: '语音通话', id: 'id-func-bar-telephone', disabled: true }, { name: '视频通话', id: 'id-func-bar-video_on', disabled: true }, { name: '屏幕共享', id: 'id-func-bar-share_screen', disabled: true }, { name: '群应用', id: 'id-func-bar-group_application', disabled: false }, { name: '邀请加群', id: 'id-func-bar-group_building', disabled: false }, { name: '工具栏项目', id: 'id-func-bar-more', disabled: false }, { name: '发起群聊', id: 'id-func-bar-group_building', disabled: true }, { name: '远程协助', id: 'id-func-bar-remote_control', disabled: true }, { name: '屏蔽会话', id: 'id-func-bar-shield', disabled: false }, { name: '添加好友', id: 'id-func-bar-add_friend', disabled: false }, { name: '接收会话', id: 'id-func-bar-shield', disabled: false }, { name: null, id: 'id-func-bar-more', disabled: true } ], preventEscape: false, advanceHookVue: true, setWindowIcon: true, autoRelanch: false, background: { overlaySiderBar: true, removeMask: false, redrawCard: true, backgroundVisible: true, blurFilter: true, opacity: 1, enabled: false, url: 'C:\Users\QingYu\OneDrive\图片\Windows\XtremeWave.png' }, global: { UA: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36', rkey: '&rkey=CAQSKAB6JWENi5LMk0kc62l8Pm3Jn1dsLZHyRLAnNmHGoZ3y_gDZPqZt-64', PIC_BASE_URL: 'https://gchat.qpic.cn' }, disableQtag: { level: false, title: false, all: false } } [2024/5/18 21:12:54][QQCleaner] Main window detected! [2024/5/18 21:12:54][QQCleaner] QQCleaner has been initialized! [2024/5/18 21:12:54][QQCleaner] Startup clean will be start in 5s... [2024/5/18 21:12:54][QQCleaner] Clean clock registed, cleaning will be start every 14 hours. Image-Local-View: NTQQ Image-Local-View for window: app://./renderer/index.html?webcontentsid=2&processGroupNS=createBlankWindow1#/main/message [!Renderer:Log:2] [DeepL] 已检测到 #ml-root .ml-list [!Renderer:Log:2] [Media-Local-View] 检测到聊天区域,已在当前页面加载视频下载辅助 更新配置文件 { debug: { console: false, mainConsole: false, autoCompileScss: false, showWeb: false, showChannedCommunication: false }, compatibleLLAPI: false, keywordReminder: { enabled: false, keyList: [] }, wordSearch: { enabled: true, searchUrl: 'https://www.bing.com/search?q=%search%' }, imageSearch: { enabled: false, searchUrl: 'https://saucenao.com/search.php?url=%search%' }, localEmoticons: { enabled: true, quickEmoticons: false, quickEmoticonsAutoInputOnlyOne: false, quickEmoticonsActiveKey: '/', sendBigImage: false, majorization: true, commonlyEmoticons: false, copyFileTolocalEmoticons: true, toLeftSlot: true, hoverShowCommonlyEmoticons: false, commonlyNum: 28, rowsSize: 6, localPath: 'C:\Program Files\LiteLoaderQQNT\LocalExpression' }, sidebar: { top: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ], bottom: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ] }, imageViewer: { quickClose: false, touchMove: false }, message: { previreUrl: { enabled: true, dontLoadPic: false }, goBackMainList: true, HighlightReplies: true, disabledSticker: true, disabledHotGIF: true, disabledBadge: false, disabledSlideMultipleSelection: false, convertMiniPrgmArk: true, showMsgTime: true, showMsgTimeFullDate: true, showMsgTimeToSenderName: true, replaceBtn: true, doubleClickReplace: true, removeReplyAt: true, mergeMessage: true, mergeMessageKeepTime: true, selfMsgToLeft: false, onlyAvatar: false, removeBubbleLimit: true, removeVipName: false, imageAutoWidth: true, currentLocation: false, overrideFont: { family: '', style: '', fullName: '', postscriptName: '' }, preventNSFW: { enabled: false, includesAnimationEmoticons: false, list: [] }, avatarSticky: { enabled: true, toBottom: false } }, messageToImage: { enabled: false, highResolution: false, path: '' }, preventMessageRecall: { enabled: true, localStorage: true, customColor: true, preventSelfMsg: true, blockAllRetractions: true, textColor: { light: '#ff6666', dark: '#c70000' } }, tail: { enabled: false, tips: false, list: [ [Object] ] }, textAreaFuncList: [ { name: '表情', id: 'id-func-bar-expression', disabled: false }, { name: '截图', id: 'id-func-bar-screenshot', disabled: true }, { name: '文件', id: 'id-func-bar-folder', disabled: false }, { name: '图片', id: 'id-func-bar-image', disabled: false }, { name: '红包', id: 'id-func-bar-lucky_money', disabled: true }, { name: '语音消息', id: 'id-func-bar-microphone_on', disabled: true }, { name: '机器人指令', id: 'id-func-bar-channel_robot', disabled: true }, { name: '聊天记录', id: 'id-func-bar-MessageRecord', disabled: false }, { name: '翻译', id: 'deepl-bar-icon', disabled: false }, { name: '窗口抖动', id: 'id-func-bar-shake', disabled: false } ], chatAreaFuncList: [ { name: '语音通话', id: 'id-func-bar-telephone', disabled: true }, { name: '视频通话', id: 'id-func-bar-video_on', disabled: true }, { name: '屏幕共享', id: 'id-func-bar-share_screen', disabled: true }, { name: '群应用', id: 'id-func-bar-group_application', disabled: false }, { name: '邀请加群', id: 'id-func-bar-group_building', disabled: false }, { name: '工具栏项目', id: 'id-func-bar-more', disabled: false }, { name: '发起群聊', id: 'id-func-bar-group_building', disabled: true }, { name: '远程协助', id: 'id-func-bar-remote_control', disabled: true }, { name: '屏蔽会话', id: 'id-func-bar-shield', disabled: false }, { name: '添加好友', id: 'id-func-bar-add_friend', disabled: false }, { name: '接收会话', id: 'id-func-bar-shield', disabled: false }, { name: null, id: 'id-func-bar-more', disabled: true } ], preventEscape: false, advanceHookVue: true, setWindowIcon: true, autoRelanch: false, background: { overlaySiderBar: true, removeMask: false, redrawCard: true, backgroundVisible: true, blurFilter: true, opacity: 1, enabled: false, url: 'C:\Users\QingYu\OneDrive\图片\Windows\XtremeWave.png' }, global: { UA: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36', rkey: '&rkey=CAQSKAB6JWENi5LMk0kc62l8Pm3Jn1dsLZHyRLAnNmHGoZ3y_gDZPqZt-64', PIC_BASE_URL: 'https://gchat.qpic.cn' }, disableQtag: { level: false, title: false, all: false } } [!Renderer:Log:2] [DeepL] 已检测到 .chat-input-area .ck-editor [app]module file name: C:\Program Files\Tencent\QQNT\QQ.exe 3c8a04e672433cf0c091a50bd0429a9e879eca6114b94b5003e6a1add5dbd8a7 [app]module file name: C:\Program Files\Tencent\QQNT\QQ.exe 1f350121530bd84e6b2d575cf47d29b15b8e0f3925ad20ec0b346032bd27c96b 3c8a04e672433cf0c091a50bd0429a9e879eca6114b94b5003e6a1add5dbd8a7 error code v2:-8 1f350121530bd84e6b2d575cf47d29b15b8e0f3925ad20ec0b346032bd27c96b error code v2:-8 [LLAPI] Page finished loading 返回配置文件 { debug: { console: false, mainConsole: false, autoCompileScss: false, showWeb: false, showChannedCommunication: false }, compatibleLLAPI: false, keywordReminder: { enabled: false, keyList: [] }, wordSearch: { enabled: true, searchUrl: 'https://www.bing.com/search?q=%search%' }, imageSearch: { enabled: false, searchUrl: 'https://saucenao.com/search.php?url=%search%' }, localEmoticons: { enabled: true, quickEmoticons: false, quickEmoticonsAutoInputOnlyOne: false, quickEmoticonsActiveKey: '/', sendBigImage: false, majorization: true, commonlyEmoticons: false, copyFileTolocalEmoticons: true, toLeftSlot: true, hoverShowCommonlyEmoticons: false, commonlyNum: 28, rowsSize: 6, localPath: 'C:\Program Files\LiteLoaderQQNT\LocalExpression' }, sidebar: { top: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ], bottom: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ] }, imageViewer: { quickClose: false, touchMove: false }, message: { previreUrl: { enabled: true, dontLoadPic: false }, goBackMainList: true, HighlightReplies: true, disabledSticker: true, disabledHotGIF: true, disabledBadge: false, disabledSlideMultipleSelection: false, convertMiniPrgmArk: true, showMsgTime: true, showMsgTimeFullDate: true, showMsgTimeToSenderName: true, replaceBtn: true, doubleClickReplace: true, removeReplyAt: true, mergeMessage: true, mergeMessageKeepTime: true, selfMsgToLeft: false, onlyAvatar: false, removeBubbleLimit: true, removeVipName: false, imageAutoWidth: true, currentLocation: false, overrideFont: { family: '', style: '', fullName: '', postscriptName: '' }, preventNSFW: { enabled: false, includesAnimationEmoticons: false, list: [] }, avatarSticky: { enabled: true, toBottom: false } }, messageToImage: { enabled: false, highResolution: false, path: '' }, preventMessageRecall: { enabled: true, localStorage: true, customColor: true, preventSelfMsg: true, blockAllRetractions: true, textColor: { light: '#ff6666', dark: '#c70000' } }, tail: { enabled: false, tips: false, list: [ [Object] ] }, textAreaFuncList: [ { name: '表情', id: 'id-func-bar-expression', disabled: false }, { name: '截图', id: 'id-func-bar-screenshot', disabled: true }, { name: '文件', id: 'id-func-bar-folder', disabled: false }, { name: '图片', id: 'id-func-bar-image', disabled: false }, { name: '红包', id: 'id-func-bar-lucky_money', disabled: true }, { name: '语音消息', id: 'id-func-bar-microphone_on', disabled: true }, { name: '机器人指令', id: 'id-func-bar-channel_robot', disabled: true }, { name: '聊天记录', id: 'id-func-bar-MessageRecord', disabled: false }, { name: '翻译', id: 'deepl-bar-icon', disabled: false }, { name: '窗口抖动', id: 'id-func-bar-shake', disabled: false } ], chatAreaFuncList: [ { name: '语音通话', id: 'id-func-bar-telephone', disabled: true }, { name: '视频通话', id: 'id-func-bar-video_on', disabled: true }, { name: '屏幕共享', id: 'id-func-bar-share_screen', disabled: true }, { name: '群应用', id: 'id-func-bar-group_application', disabled: false }, { name: '邀请加群', id: 'id-func-bar-group_building', disabled: false }, { name: '工具栏项目', id: 'id-func-bar-more', disabled: false }, { name: '发起群聊', id: 'id-func-bar-group_building', disabled: true }, { name: '远程协助', id: 'id-func-bar-remote_control', disabled: true }, { name: '屏蔽会话', id: 'id-func-bar-shield', disabled: false }, { name: '添加好友', id: 'id-func-bar-add_friend', disabled: false }, { name: '接收会话', id: 'id-func-bar-shield', disabled: false }, { name: null, id: 'id-func-bar-more', disabled: true } ], preventEscape: false, advanceHookVue: true, setWindowIcon: true, autoRelanch: false, background: { overlaySiderBar: true, removeMask: false, redrawCard: true, backgroundVisible: true, blurFilter: true, opacity: 1, enabled: false, url: 'C:\Users\QingYu\OneDrive\图片\Windows\XtremeWave.png' }, global: { UA: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36', rkey: '&rkey=CAQSKAB6JWENi5LMk0kc62l8Pm3Jn1dsLZHyRLAnNmHGoZ3y_gDZPqZt-64', PIC_BASE_URL: 'https://gchat.qpic.cn' }, disableQtag: { level: false, title: false, all: false } } 21:12:57.831 > [hot update] hotUpdateApi checkHasMultipleQQ false 21:12:57.834 > [hot update] hotUpdateApi start clearOldVersions 21:12:57.835 > [hot update] hotUpdateApi curVersionZipPath is: C:\Program Files\Tencent\QQNT\resources\app\versions\9.9.9-23424.zip false 21:12:57.934 > [hot update] hotUpdateApi checkHasMultipleQQ false 21:12:57.936 > [hot update] hotUpdateApi checkIsOnErrorVersion 9.9.9-22961 21:12:57.937 > [hot update] hotUpdateApi checkIsOnErrorVersion res is false [2024/5/18 21:12:59][QQCleaner] Starting clean task... [2024/5/18 21:12:59][QQCleaner] Scanning cache... [2024/5/18 21:13:03][QQCleaner] Getting cache files... [2024/5/18 21:13:03][QQCleaner] No cache files found. [2024/5/18 21:13:03][QQCleaner] Clean complete. Total: 0

2584191127 commented 1 month ago


QingFeng-awa commented 1 month ago

讨论请转移至 #6