hacker1024 / MIUI-Global-Dark-Mode-Disabler

An Xposed module to stop MIUI forcing dark mode on third-party app resources.
GNU General Public License v3.0
7 stars 2 forks source link

Support Android 11 #1

Open tuyennn opened 4 years ago

tuyennn commented 4 years ago

Currently this module doesn't work with Miui 12 and Android 11.

hacker1024 commented 4 years ago

My K20 Pro hasn't got 11 yet, so there's no much I can do at the moment.

tuyennn commented 4 years ago

Closed due this related to Xposed issue on Android 11 rather than module issue, this still does work properly

tuyennn commented 3 years ago

@hacker1024 could you take a look on some higher MIUI version as 12.5.8. Have problem with recently updates on Redmi Note 10 Pro on 12.5.8 Got problem while module doesn't work anymore

(__start_thread+64) (BuildId: a790cdbd8e44ea8a90802da343cb82ce)
[ 2021-09-20T10:03:15.293        0:   725:  3772 I/Magisk          ] ** boot_complete triggered
[ 2021-09-20T10:03:15.294        0:   725:  3772 I/Magisk          ] hide: Hiding sensitive props (late)
[ 2021-09-20T10:03:18.111     1000:  3958:  3958 I/LSPosed         ] Loading modules for com.xiaomi.misettings/1000
[ 2021-09-20T10:03:18.113     1000:  3958:  3958 I/LSPosed-Bridge  ] Loading module tk.hacker1024.miuiglobaldarkmodedisabler from /data/app/~~d7Kp8IDmaTOeXTLv1Vpm_A==/tk.hacker1024.miuiglobaldarkmodedisabler-sqll5l_b4Qp6BNH737QH0g==/base.apk
[ 2021-09-20T10:03:18.132     1000:  3958:  3958 I/LSPosed-Bridge  ]   Loading class tk.hacker1024.miuiglobaldarkmodedisabler.Module
[ 2021-09-20T10:03:19.042        0:   746:  4019 I/LSPosed         ] verifyInstallerSignature: true
[ 2021-09-20T10:03:19.381        0:   725:   732 I/Magisk          ] proc_monitor: [com.google.android.gms] PID=[4034] UID=[10179]
[ 2021-09-20T10:05:55.602    10232:  6298:  6298 F/linker          ] CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "/data/data/com.facebook.katana/app_errorreporting/sess__000000008-1632107150025-69fce440-19a9-b547-647b-8a433eb9789f/nightwatch.txt": library "libclang_rt.xray.so" not found: needed by main executable
[ 2021-09-20T10:06:09.047    10230:  7136:  7136 I/LSPosed         ] Loading modules for org.lsposed.manager/10230
[ 2021-09-20T10:06:09.332        0:   746:  2380 I/LSPosed         ] verifyInstallerSignature: true
[ 2021-09-20T10:06:09.344    10230:  7136:  7136 I/LSPosed         ] Found LSPosed Manager
[ 2021-09-20T10:06:09.347    10230:  7136:  7136 I/LSPosed         ] Send binder to LSPosed Manager: true
[ 2021-09-20T10:06:09.347    10230:  7136:  7136 I/LSPosed         ] manager trusted, ret=true
[ 2021-09-20T10:06:17.807        0:   725:   732 I/Magisk          ] proc_monitor: [com.google.android.gms.unstable] PID=[7538] UID=[10179]

Don't want to use CustoMIUIzer since it has many features