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Replace Filler Text in About Section #20

Open LindseyWhitney opened 8 years ago

LindseyWhitney commented 8 years ago

The text in the "Why Code?" and "The Boise Code Community" sections is filler text and needs to be replaced. You can fill it with what you like, or use what I did in my design mockup:

Why Code? Carl Sagan said, “We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology.” And Steve Jobs went as far as to say, “I think everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer because it teaches you how to think.” Code is everywhere around us—computers seem to run our world, and code is what runs computers. For students today it is seen as an essential skill, much like reading, writing, or math. Add a booming job market to the mix (with good salaries), and you can see why learning to code is well worth your time, regardless of how you ultimately use it.

The Boise Code Community There is a lot going on in Boise when it comes to code—we have a healthy, thriving community of people who are passionate about software development. Come to one of our meetups and we can help you navigate local options, as well as look at online resources that might benefit you (we’ve listed a few below, be sure to check them out!).