hackerlist / glassdoor

Python API for Glassdoor.com
MIT License
81 stars 35 forks source link

Regarding particular company #3

Open pritish5699 opened 11 years ago

pritish5699 commented 11 years ago

I was comparing the records on Glassdoor with this API. I searched records for Facebook. On the glassdoor, the positions are showing more compare to this API. Am I searching wrong or missing something? Or is there any issue with API?

mekarpeles commented 10 years ago

Right now, each API call is making a single request to glassdoor and only pulling the direct results from the main company profile page. There's a second, separate page containing an exhaustive list of jobs (that you speak of) which also can be crawled.

mekarpeles commented 10 years ago

@pritish5699, you may also wish to refer to the crunchbase API (i.e. http://developer.crunchbase.com/ -- http://api.crunchbase.com/v/1/companies.js?api_key=XXX).

You can use this to compile a list of company name for which to search using the glassdoor API. Also, see issue #8 (fixed) which allows you to re-search for companies using "suggestions" like so ...

$ python
>>> from glassdoor import gd
>>> data = gd.get('like.co')
{'error': 'company not found',
 'suggestions': [(u'Like.com', u'Like-com-Interview-Questions-E239030.htm'),
  (u'Alu Like', u'Alu-Like-Interview-Questions-E327103.htm'),
  (u'Some Like It Hot', u'Some-Like-It-Hot-Jobs-E564982.htm'),
  (u'Like VN', ''),
  (u'Like The Pros', ''),
  (u'LIKE School', ''),
  (u'Clicks and Likes', ''),
  (u'LMO, LIKE MY OWN', ''),
  (u'Nobody Likes Onions', '')]}
>>> if data.get('suggestions'):
...    data = gd.get(company_slug=data['suggestions'][0])
{'ceo': {'%approval': None, 'avatar': '', 'name': '', 'reviews': 0},
 'meta': {'connections': 0,
  'location': u'Foster City, CA',
  'logo': None,
  'name': u'Like.com',
  'reviews': 4,
  'score': None,
  'size': [16, 50],
  'website': u'www.like.com'},
 'salary': [],
 'satisfaction': {'ratings': 0, 'score': None}}