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Momentum for infrastructure group? #21

Open fosterlynn opened 8 years ago

fosterlynn commented 8 years ago

Long time, no see, guys! Hope everyone is well!

It feels right now like there is some momentum building for getting developers and projects together for infrastructure work for next economy or solidarity economy or solidarity non-economic infrastructure, etc..... thus this post to see what you all think.

There is a new tech workgroup coming out of the Impact Economy summit in BC (http://www.impacteconomy.io/). And I am thinking it would be great to take advantage of this momentum. It comes out of media and fundraising, but several of us are determined that it will be a broad consortium to make this stuff happen, and not fall under any fundraising or other umbrella.

Also there is the valueflows vocab project, https://github.com/valueflows/valueflows, which has seen a lot of activity lately and is a lot of fun!

I have some starting thoughts:

I think it would be really helpful to create a list and eventually a technical architectural diagram of some sort to depict all the pieces of software and how they fit into the picture. Possible data to include (for discussion):

Information that could be gleaned:

Potential principles (for group discussion):

Any interest? Any disagreements or further ideas? Want to have a PLP session and discuss?

(I also sent some version of this question to other related discussions, sorry for any cross-posting….)

almereyda commented 8 years ago

As a note, @maxlath and @pierreozoux were recently in a conversation with me about federated software directories.

Should we already encode this information above in a visual graph representation or do we fear fetishizing information?

Forking https://github.com/libreprojects/libreprojects could be a good start to meet visual and interactivity requirements for such an overview. Else I fear big spreadsheets for their rigid dimensionality; here we want to look out for diverse facets. I admit the pure markdown versions of these directories still aggregate the highest number of entries.

Also information about which communities use a certain product (a.k.a. deployments) could be most interesting in an aggregated, if preferred, anonymized view.

Comment streams for these items could be delivered by an external engine.

In the same time, @gandhiano and me are preparing something what we call a federated Commons Cloud which is about to be nothing else than shared, free and independent webhosting for Commons initiatives backed by a community of sysadmins and supporters. @ecobytes is also about to deploy a Hylo instance (part of Enspiral's Open App Ecosystem) for the next Degrowth conference 2016 in Budapest.

Still, in one of its tertiary senses, @transformap would like to be a replication site for this kind of infrastructure and itself want to mirror a representative selection of a running stack of interoperable (micro)services while being able to visualize namespaces like vf.

In working with communities I've learned these elaborations also include perspectives on 'legacy' software which, by its easy deployability via the LAMP stack, i.e., gained huge user bases. Plugins would be a way to talk to these ecosystems.

We may also think about if the OSI model still represents the Internet architecture compellingly enough, or if governance regimes and socioeconomic biases aren't to be thought within.

In a sense, how to identify and seperate Commons and commerce.

almereyda commented 8 years ago

@fosterlynn Please allow me to amend that I like https://staticsitegenerators.net/ very much. It seems pretty much that it is a very good compromise about having an interactive, filterable interface and a simple site generation logic.

I'd be happy to fork it and populate it with an initial list, once known.

Would you have any references where you crossposted this message? For now I know of:

Just because there are similar networks like the Poplus project or IndieWeb who may as well be invited.

fosterlynn commented 8 years ago

@almereyda thanks, will study in the next few days!

Other posts: To the tech group coming out of Impact Economy (email list only for now); OVN Infrastructure mailing list; the PLP gang coming out of OuiShare (you're in on that one too). A couple more individual people. So yes, great if you post out to others you know about!

pierreozoux commented 8 years ago

On a side note I'd add indiewebcamp store and yunohost.

But, yes< i agree that we need such directory! I'm ready to spend resources on that project. It is something that would be good to have solved.

I don't know how sandstorm is solving it?

fosterlynn commented 8 years ago

There has been a fair amount of discussion in different venues, so I decided to go ahead and start a new loomio group to accommodate this broader discussion. It is meant to be a neutral space where people from different groups can discuss where to go from here, and then we can move to whatever venues that is. Please ask for an invitation if you want to participate!! Or just reply here or to me if you want help getting connected.
