hackerschoice / gsocket

Connect like there is no firewall. Securely.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
1.55k stars 131 forks source link

Binary as part of GitHub Release #81

Closed amra closed 1 year ago

amra commented 2 years ago

hackerschoice/gsocket releases should contain release binaries.

Currently, all releases miss binaries and contain only sources. Binaries are stored in a different GitHub repository. And it is inconvenient and confusing.

GitHub provide release API: https://docs.github.com/en/rest/releases/releases#create-a-release

SkyperTHC commented 2 years ago

hmm. There is a reason for this: gsocket should be the source only. IT's a development repository. Binaries are not for developers but for users. So it makes sense to separate developers from users.

We do not bundle the binaries at all into a release tarball. Hmm. we could do it but what's the use case? Why not pull it from the binary rep instead and why duplicate the binaries to the source rep?

amra commented 2 years ago

I expressed myself badly. The idea is to take the binary file and upload it to a particular GitHub release as an asset.

With a release I meant GitHub Release feature.

Then a single GitHub Release will contain:


There is a reason for this: gsocket should be the source only. IT's a development repository. Binaries are not for developers but for users. So it makes sense to separate developers from users.

The binary should not be part of a git repository, which should only contain only source code.

We do not bundle the binaries at all into a release tarball.

I agree on that too.

Example - Atom editor releases


SkyperTHC commented 1 year ago

this has now been done. thank you for your suggestions and explanations.