Closed sky5416841 closed 5 months ago
I modified this slightly and tested it myself without the above problem. Overwrite the past and try to see. apexmaster.txt
I modified this slightly and tested it myself without the above problem. Overwrite the past and try to see. apexmaster.txt
No Recoil is functional. But The lag issue remains the same Whenever I open apexmaster.ahk, the game's ping becomes very high, and moving the mouse causes the FPS to drop significantly I'm not sure what the problem is
我認為你可以使用任务管理器監測是哪個應用導致的CPU佔用异常 或者你可以嘗試不使用gui 直接使用apexmaster.ahk
我認為你可以使用任务管理器監測是哪個應用導致的CPU佔用异常 或者你可以嘗試不使用gui 直接使用apexmaster.ahk
問題還是一樣 就一開AHK就會整個超卡 不知道是不是破爛熊的問題
mgsweet 那邊也有人反應 也許真的是hyde64.dll 造成遊戲卡頓 開gui.ahk 那個畫面不會造成卡頓 按下Save and run 整個遊戲就開始卡了
People on mgsweet have also reported similar issues; it may indeed be hyde64.dll causing the game to lag." (Chat GPT)
哦 有一說一 你應該將apexmaster.ahk編譯成exe後使用 而不是直接使用使用AutoHotKey執行ahk 這樣可能存在被檢測的風險
哦 有一說一 你應該將apexmaster.ahk編譯成exe後使用 而不是直接使用使用AutoHotKey執行ahk 這樣可能存在被檢測的風險
看來是沒辦法 這段限制了exe
就轉成 exe 就跳這段 MsgBox, Mixed Versions detected!nOS Version and AHK Version need to be the same (x86 & AHK32 or x64 & AHK64).
n`nScript will now terminate!
感覺真的是hyde64.dll的問題 把他禁用之後就沒出現卡頓的問題 壓槍也能正常的運作
感覺真的是hyde64.dll的問題 把他禁用之後就沒出現卡頓的問題 壓槍也能正常的運作
This means that your program process is no longer hidden and has a greater risk of being detected.
感覺真的是hyde64.dll的問題 把他禁用之後就沒出現卡頓的問題 壓槍也能正常的運作
This means that your program process is no longer hidden and has a greater risk of being detected.
But EAC can already detect hyde64.dll
感覺真的是hyde64.dll的問題 把他禁用之後就沒出現卡頓的問題 壓槍也能正常的運作
不開APEX NORECOIL FPS能穩定100 並且不會顯示延遲之類的圖案 當我打開APEX NORECOIL 滑鼠只要移動FPS就會大跌 只要滑鼠一直移動畫面就會卡死 射擊會出現大延遲
"Without opening APEX NORECOIL, the FPS can stay stable at 100 without displaying any latency-related patterns. However, when I open APEX NORECOIL, the FPS drops significantly whenever I move the mouse. If I keep moving the mouse continuously, the screen freezes and there's a noticeable delay in shooting."(By ChatGPT)