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Hackerspace.sg 2.0 using Punch
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heavily edited About page — added bootstrap features, more facilities #93

Closed valentine closed 9 years ago

valentine commented 10 years ago

Random comment: indentation doesn't work with a markdown processor since markdown would think that it's code and enclose it with <pre> tags.

kaihendry commented 10 years ago

Some markup errors: http://s.natalian.org/2014-07-20/1405852267_1364x748.png

Overall, couldn't one use CSS columns instead of bootstrap features

… is stylistic... should be in CSS

time element could be used. maybe cite of blockquote but no browser seems to expose either sadly http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/semantics.html#the-blockquote-element

valentine commented 10 years ago

@kaihendry: the markup problems should be fixed. It was Punch going crazy, as should be expected by markdown parsers being forced to interact with markup.

I don't understand your comment on the ellipses.

By time element, do you mean using them for the dates in the article taglines?

robertsky commented 10 years ago

from the looks of the press release, I think a template and a json file would be beneficial the about page.

kaihendry commented 10 years ago

I'll merge this right now in it's current state if you will look into setting a template in future @Valentine ? ;)

robertsky commented 9 years ago

Merged for content purposes. Templating, when @Valentine or someone has the time to do so.