I was getting errors when installing this plugin, particularly linked to bootstrap and jquery.
I managed to solve them. Here is how.
I installed the modules jquery, and bootstrap (not bootstrap-react!)
I downloaded bootstrap.min.css and pasted it into the src folder
Here's the App.js I ended up with:
` // the import lines don't show as code, don't know why
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import ReactSummernote from 'react-summernote';
import 'react-summernote/dist/react-summernote.css'; // import styles
import 'bootstrap'
import './bootstrap.min.css'
class SummernoteEditor extends Component {
onChange(content) {
console.log('onChange', content);
I was getting errors when installing this plugin, particularly linked to bootstrap and jquery. I managed to solve them. Here is how. I installed the modules jquery, and bootstrap (not bootstrap-react!) I downloaded bootstrap.min.css and pasted it into the src folder
Here's the App.js I ended up with:
` // the import lines don't show as code, don't know why import React, { Component } from 'react'; import ReactSummernote from 'react-summernote'; import 'react-summernote/dist/react-summernote.css'; // import styles import 'bootstrap' import './bootstrap.min.css' class SummernoteEditor extends Component { onChange(content) { console.log('onChange', content); }