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Cipher_Three - Decentralized E-commerce chatbot #29

Open ghost opened 5 years ago

ghost commented 5 years ago

Cipher_Three - Decentralized E-commerce chatbot

ℹ️ Project information

🔥 our Pitch

      Everyone got used to working with popular digital helpers, starting with the funny “paper clip” to the "voice assistants "developed by corporations such as Apple, Google, and Amazon. Providing such assistants with an access to your bank account one does not have much choice but to rely on the company’s reputation and expect it to be honest.
   Is making payments with the help of chatbots in the social networks safe? Would you entrust your bank card information to a chatbot you are using for the first time?
   How does a user know that an automated helper can be trusted? When they see the bot’s interface for the first time natural doubts appear. But what if a customer could see the chatbots history of successfully confirmed transactions? That might strongly influence the decision of the client to cooperate.
  The blockchain technology is a perfect choice if we speak about trust. It is essentially a decentralized tracker of transactions and a secure way to provide your bank account information due to a multi-step verification process.
   we are now developing an web based chat bot through which user will be able to use the block chain payment based E commerce Website 
    Suppose the customer wants to order a Shoe. The chatbot representing a variety of shoes under given corresponding category  will be  available in all popular shopping website. Using web scrapping and machine learning algorithm our bot will list out all the suggested shoes based on the best selling , price and quality category from our shopping website
     After a shoe is chosen it is time to make a payment and the question stands, whether the chatbot can be trusted and is it safe to transfer money?, now  the customer can indicate the security level via TR based on the number of previously ordered and successfully received orders.
   The distributed ledger technology (DLT) for confirmation of reliability totally differs from the feedback evaluation systems. It shows how many actual transactions were successfully made and confirmed by the members of a register .
   Depending on the processes that took place, the bots can be assigned the TR score for a quantity of successful transactions, duration of the bots activity, timing of the last deal, diversity of users in terms of geographical situation and even average time of customer interaction.

(TR-Trust Rate DL -Distributed ledger) This increased level of trust will lead to the respectively higher interactivity level between user and technology. This chatbot will use the developed rating model as a base for the new services and for the evaluation of the interaction between each other while making the deals automatically in the near future.

🔦 Any other specific thing you want to highlight?

Customers can buy or sell products through Decentralized platform(E -commerce ) which can be accesssed through chat bot.

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