hackforla / 311-data

Empowering Neighborhood Associations to improve the analysis of their initiatives using 311 data
GNU General Public License v3.0
62 stars 64 forks source link

Recruit volunteers for team open roles #1765

Open ryanfchase opened 5 months ago

ryanfchase commented 5 months ago



We need volunteer(s) to work on the open issues we have so that we can move the project forward.

Action Items

Creating a new role post

Marketing the new role post

Once Filled


ryanfchase commented 5 months ago


311 Data: Open Role for: Full Stack Developer



Project Name: 311 Data

Name of Role: Full Stack Developer

Volunteer Opportunity: 311-Data.org is a data visualization and analytics tool. We help local governments throughout the City of LA make better data-informed decisions. Come join us as we build software that democratizes data and impacts millions of people. We're looking for volunteers who have an intermediate level background in frontend development. Our tech stack is frontend only.

Duration: On-going

Meeting Times: Wednesdays 7-8pm PT

Who to communicate your interest to

Read more about the project

ryanfchase commented 5 months ago


311 Data Open Role for: Team Tech Lead



Project Name: 311 Data

Name of Role: Team Tech Lead

Volunteer Opportunity: 311-Data.org is a data visualization and analytics tool. We help local governments throughout the City of LA make better data-informed decisions. Come join us as we build software that democratizes data and impacts millions of people. React fluency required, tech lead experience preferred. Our tech stack is frontend only.

Duration: On-going

Meeting Times: Wednesdays 7-8pm PT, optional: Thursdays 7-8pm PT

Who to communicate your interest to

Read more about the project

ryanfchase commented 5 months ago


311-Data: Open Role for: Product Manager



Project Name: 311 Data

Name of Role: Product Manager

Volunteer Opportunity: We're currently looking for a product manager to manage agendas, status updates on issues, as well as contribute towards PM deliverables

Duration: On-going

Meeting Times:

311 Data General Mtg

Product Planning Meeting

PM Meeting

Product Management CoP

Who to communicate your interest to

Read more about the project

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 5 months ago


311 Data Open Role for: Data Analyst



Project Name: 311 Data

Name of Role: Data Analyst

Volunteer Opportunity: We are looking for committed Data Analysts with a focus on data visualization to help us grow our project to the next level. We are hoping to work on improving data visualization.

Duration: On-going

Meeting Times: Wednesdays 7-8pm Pacific

Who to communicate your interest to

Read more about the project

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 5 months ago

Role posts from the Previous Data Science Open Roles board

Review these to see if any of them are relevant, they are from the filled column, but the ones checked yes are worth revisiting

Post 1

Code ``` **Project Name**: 311 Data **Volunteer Opportunity**: Data Scientist to lead an analysis of metro stops and 311 requests to determine if there are any meaningful correlations. **Tools Used** : GitHub, Python, Dash, Plotly, Jupyter **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: #data-science - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Chelsey Beck or Abe Khaleghi **Resources:** Read about the 311 data project [here](https://github.com/hackforla/311-data) **Issues Available:** - [#107](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/107) ```
Viewable post **Project Name**: 311 Data **Volunteer Opportunity**: Data Scientist to lead an analysis of metro stops and 311 requests to determine if there are any meaningful correlations. **Tools Used** : GitHub, Python, Dash, Plotly, Jupyter **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: #data-science - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Chelsey Beck or Abe Khaleghi **Resources:** Read about the 311 data project [here](https://github.com/hackforla/311-data) **Issues Available:** - [#107](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/107)

Post 2

Code ``` **Role:** Data Analyst **Project Name:** 311-data **Volunteer Opportunity:** Dynamic/interactive visualization of 311-data. Bar/Pie chart representations of 311-request data for inclusion in 311-data online dashboards. **Tools:** Plotly, Python, Pandas **Duration:** 3 months **Contact:** @Pras @Karina Lopez **Volunteers:** @chelseybeck ```
Viewable post **Role:** Data Analyst **Project Name:** 311-data **Volunteer Opportunity:** Dynamic/interactive visualization of 311-data. Bar/Pie chart representations of 311-request data for inclusion in 311-data online dashboards. **Tools:** Plotly, Python, Pandas **Duration:** 3 months **Contact:** @Pras @Karina Lopez **Volunteers:** @chelseybeck

Post 3

Code ``` **Role**: Data Scientist **Project Name**: 311 Data **Volunteer Opportunity**: Data Scientist We've got a substantial (6+MM row), clean, constantly updated dataset that is dying for analysis! We need someone to explore relationships between features, design some useful reports, and hopefully add some AI/ML driven insights. As data scientist you'll be playing a key role and rounding out our eager and talented team! **Duration**: Open-ended (min. 1 month) **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#311-data-analysis](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/CQPA87JR1) - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: @Matt Webster [Read more about the project](https://github.com/hackforla/311-data) **Resources**: - [Data dictionary](https://github.com/hackforla/311-data/blob/dev/server/docs/data_fields.md) - [In-progress App](http://dev.311-data.org/) Volunteers: @chelseybeck ```
Viewable post **Role**: Data Scientist **Project Name**: 311 Data **Volunteer Opportunity**: Data Scientist We've got a substantial (6+MM row), clean, constantly updated dataset that is dying for analysis! We need someone to explore relationships between features, design some useful reports, and hopefully add some AI/ML driven insights. As data scientist you'll be playing a key role and rounding out our eager and talented team! **Duration**: Open-ended (min. 1 month) **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#311-data-analysis](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/CQPA87JR1) - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: @Matt Webster [Read more about the project](https://github.com/hackforla/311-data) **Resources**: - [Data dictionary](https://github.com/hackforla/311-data/blob/dev/server/docs/data_fields.md) - [In-progress App](http://dev.311-data.org/) Volunteers: @chelseybeck

Post 4

Code ``` **Project Name**: 311 Data **Volunteer Opportunity**: Data Analysts to help improve the 311 data dashboards to make them more useful for stakeholders & general public. **Tools Used** : GitHub, Python, Dash, Plotly, Jupyter **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: #data-science - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Chelsey Beck or Abe Khaleghi **Resources:** Read about the 311 data project [here](https://github.com/hackforla/311-data) **Issues Available:** - [#125](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/125) - ~[#126](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/126)~ - ~[#127](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/127)~ - [#128](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/128) - [#129](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/129) - ~[#135](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/135)~ ```
Viewable post **Project Name**: 311 Data **Volunteer Opportunity**: Data Analysts to help improve the 311 data dashboards to make them more useful for stakeholders & general public. **Tools Used** : GitHub, Python, Dash, Plotly, Jupyter **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: #data-science - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Chelsey Beck or Abe Khaleghi **Resources:** Read about the 311 data project [here](https://github.com/hackforla/311-data) **Issues Available:** - [#125](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/125) - ~[#126](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/126)~ - ~[#127](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/127)~ - [#128](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/128) - [#129](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/129) - ~[#135](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/135)~

Post 5

Code ``` **Role type**: Data Science Lead **Project Name**: 311-Data Project **About the Project**: 311-Data is a data visualization and analytics tool. We help local governments throughout the City of LA make better data-informed decisions. Come join us as we build software that impacts millions of people. **Volunteer Opportunity**: We are looking for a committed Data Science Lead with an interest in leadership, collaboration and data visualization to help us grow our project to the next level. **Duration**: 3-6 months **Meetings**: Wed @ 7 p.m. PST **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#311-data](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/CJY4R382X) - Slack name of the person to contact in the channel: [Sophie](https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U04HAE8TH6H) ```
Viewable post **Role type**: Data Science Lead **Project Name**: 311-Data Project **About the Project**: 311-Data is a data visualization and analytics tool. We help local governments throughout the City of LA make better data-informed decisions. Come join us as we build software that impacts millions of people. **Volunteer Opportunity**: We are looking for a committed Data Science Lead with an interest in leadership, collaboration and data visualization to help us grow our project to the next level. **Duration**: 3-6 months **Meetings**: Wed @ 7 p.m. PST **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#311-data](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/CJY4R382X) - Slack name of the person to contact in the channel: [Sophie](https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U04HAE8TH6H)

Post 6

Code ``` **Project Name**: 311-Data Project **About the Project**: 311-Data is a data visualization and analytics tool. We help local governments throughout the City of LA make better data-informed decisions. Come join us as we build software that impacts millions of people. **Volunteer Opportunity**: We are looking for committed Data Analysts with a focus on data visualization to help us grow our project to the next level. We are hoping to work on improving data visualization. **Duration**: 3-6 months **Meetings**: Wed @ 7 p.m. PST **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#311-data](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/CJY4R382X) - Slack name of the person to contact in the channel: [Sophie](https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U04HAE8TH6H) ```
Viewable post **Project Name**: 311-Data Project **About the Project**: 311-Data is a data visualization and analytics tool. We help local governments throughout the City of LA make better data-informed decisions. Come join us as we build software that impacts millions of people. **Volunteer Opportunity**: We are looking for committed Data Analysts with a focus on data visualization to help us grow our project to the next level. We are hoping to work on improving data visualization. **Duration**: 3-6 months **Meetings**: Wed @ 7 p.m. PST **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#311-data](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/CJY4R382X) - Slack name of the person to contact in the channel: [Sophie](https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U04HAE8TH6H)
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 5 months ago

Role posts from the Previous Product Management Open Roles board, Filled column

Post 1

copy code ``` ![image](https://www.hackforla.org/assets/images/projects/311_data.png) **Project Name**: 311-Data **Volunteer Opportunity**: Product Manager who can be responsible for stakeholder relationship continuality, has experience with presentations and has a flexible schedule so they can occasionally meet with stakeholders during the day. **Duration**: On-going **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#311-data](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/CJY4R382X) - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Bonnie Wolfe or Olivia Chiong [Read more about the project](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/311-data) ```
viewable code ![image](https://www.hackforla.org/assets/images/projects/311_data.png) **Project Name**: 311-Data **Volunteer Opportunity**: Product Manager who can be responsible for stakeholder relationship continuality, has experience with presentations and has a flexible schedule so they can occasionally meet with stakeholders during the day. **Duration**: On-going **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#311-data](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/CJY4R382X) - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Bonnie Wolfe or Olivia Chiong [Read more about the project](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/311-data)

Post 2

copy code ``` **Project Name**: 311-Data.org **About the Project**: 311-Data.org is a data visualization and analytics tool. We help local governments throughout the City of LA make better data-informed decisions. Come join us as we build software that impacts millions of people. **Volunteer Opportunity**: Drive the product vision and strategy by developing user-focused roadmaps and collaborating with engineers, data scientists, and designers. **Duration**: 6 months preferred **Meetings**: - Wednesday @ 7:00 pm (PST) **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack direct message: [Sophie](https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U04HAE8TH6H) - Slack channel link: [#311-data](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/CJY4R382X) **Resources:** [Want to learn more?](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/311-data) [Check out our repo](https://github.com/hackforla/311-data) [311-Data.org]([https://311-data.org]) ```
viewable code **Project Name**: 311-Data.org **About the Project**: 311-Data.org is a data visualization and analytics tool. We help local governments throughout the City of LA make better data-informed decisions. Come join us as we build software that impacts millions of people. **Volunteer Opportunity**: Drive the product vision and strategy by developing user-focused roadmaps and collaborating with engineers, data scientists, and designers. **Duration**: 6 months preferred **Meetings**: - Wednesday @ 7:00 pm (PST) **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack direct message: [Sophie](https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U04HAE8TH6H) - Slack channel link: [#311-data](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/CJY4R382X) **Resources:** [Want to learn more?](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/311-data) [Check out our repo](https://github.com/hackforla/311-data) [311-Data.org]([https://311-data.org])
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 4 months ago

Post from previous UI/UX Design open roles board, Filled column

Post 1

copy code ``` **Project Name**: 311-Data Project **About the Project**: 311-Data is a data visualization and analytics tool. We help local governments throughout the City of LA make better data-informed decisions. Come join us as we build software that impacts millions of people. **Volunteer Opportunity**: We are looking for a committed UX/UI designer to help us grow our project to the next level. If you are willing to learn, we are willing to train. **Duration**: 3-6 months **Meetings**: Wed @ 7 p.m. PST **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#311-data](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/CJY4R382X) - Slack name of the person to contact in the channel: [Sophie](https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U04HAE8TH6H) ```
viewable code **Project Name**: 311-Data Project **About the Project**: 311-Data is a data visualization and analytics tool. We help local governments throughout the City of LA make better data-informed decisions. Come join us as we build software that impacts millions of people. **Volunteer Opportunity**: We are looking for a committed UX/UI designer to help us grow our project to the next level. If you are willing to learn, we are willing to train. **Duration**: 3-6 months **Meetings**: Wed @ 7 p.m. PST **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#311-data](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/CJY4R382X) - Slack name of the person to contact in the channel: [Sophie](https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U04HAE8TH6H)

Post 2

copy code ``` **Project Name**: 311-data project **Volunteer Opportunity**: 1 UI designer to help design/redesign parts of the product **Duration**: open ended **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#311-data-uiux](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/CJY4R382X) - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Eric Cho or Lexie Ulven This project is high profile, and a prominent link to it can be found on the Los Angeles Department of Neighborhood Empowerment's website https://empowerla.org/data [Read more about the project](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/311-data) ```
viewable code **Project Name**: 311-data project **Volunteer Opportunity**: 1 UI designer to help design/redesign parts of the product **Duration**: open ended **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#311-data-uiux](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/CJY4R382X) - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Eric Cho or Lexie Ulven This project is high profile, and a prominent link to it can be found on the Los Angeles Department of Neighborhood Empowerment's website https://empowerla.org/data [Read more about the project](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/311-data)
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 4 months ago

Post from previous UI/UX Research open roles board, Filled column

Post 1

copy code ``` **Project Name**: 311-Data.org **About the Project**: 311-Data.org is a data visualization and analytics tool. We help local governments throughout the City of LA make better data-informed decisions. Come join us as we build software that impacts millions of people. **Volunteer Opportunity**: We're looking for committed researchers to help us grow our product to the next level. If you're willing to learn, we're willing to train. **Duration**: Ongoing, 3-6 months **Meetings**: Wed. @ 7:00 pm (PST) **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack direct message: [Sophie](https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U04HAE8TH6H) - Slack channel link: [#311-data](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/CJY4R382X) **Resources:** [Want to learn more?](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/311-data) [Check out our repo](https://github.com/hackforla/311-data) [311-Data.org]([https://311-data.org) ```
viewable code **Project Name**: 311-Data.org **About the Project**: 311-Data.org is a data visualization and analytics tool. We help local governments throughout the City of LA make better data-informed decisions. Come join us as we build software that impacts millions of people. **Volunteer Opportunity**: We're looking for committed researchers to help us grow our product to the next level. If you're willing to learn, we're willing to train. **Duration**: Ongoing, 3-6 months **Meetings**: Wed. @ 7:00 pm (PST) **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack direct message: [Sophie](https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U04HAE8TH6H) - Slack channel link: [#311-data](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/CJY4R382X) **Resources:** [Want to learn more?](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/311-data) [Check out our repo](https://github.com/hackforla/311-data) [311-Data.org]([https://311-data.org)

Post 2

copy code ``` **Project Name**: 311-Data.org **About the Project**: 311-Data.org is a data visualization and analytics tool. We help local governments throughout the City of LA make better data-informed decisions. Come join us as we build software that impacts millions of people. **Volunteer Opportunity**: We're looking for a committed researcher to help us grow our product to the next level. If you're willing to learn, we're willing to train. **Duration**: Open-ended **Meetings**: Thurs. @ 6:30 pm (PST) **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack direct message: [Eric Cho](https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U02E95SPK4N) - Slack channel link: [#311-data](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/CJY4R382X) **Resources:** [Want to learn more?](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/311-data) [Check out our repo](https://github.com/hackforla/311-data) [311-Data.org]([https://311-data.org] ```
viewable code **Project Name**: 311-Data.org **About the Project**: 311-Data.org is a data visualization and analytics tool. We help local governments throughout the City of LA make better data-informed decisions. Come join us as we build software that impacts millions of people. **Volunteer Opportunity**: We're looking for a committed researcher to help us grow our product to the next level. If you're willing to learn, we're willing to train. **Duration**: Open-ended **Meetings**: Thurs. @ 6:30 pm (PST) **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack direct message: [Eric Cho](https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U02E95SPK4N) - Slack channel link: [#311-data](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/CJY4R382X) **Resources:** [Want to learn more?](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/311-data) [Check out our repo](https://github.com/hackforla/311-data) [311-Data.org]([https://311-data.org]

Post 3

copy code ``` **Project Name**: 311-data project **Volunteer Opportunity**: 2 UX researchers to conduct usability testing using 311-data's Figma prototype and script. **Duration**: approx. 1-2 weeks. **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#311-data-uiux](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/CJY4R382X) - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Kevin Perez or Dana Chen [Read more about the project](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/311-data) ```
viewable code **Project Name**: 311-data project **Volunteer Opportunity**: 2 UX researchers to conduct usability testing using 311-data's Figma prototype and script. **Duration**: approx. 1-2 weeks. **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#311-data-uiux](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/CJY4R382X) - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Kevin Perez or Dana Chen [Read more about the project](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/311-data)
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 3 months ago

Post from previous Engineering open roles board, Filled column

Post 1

copy code ``` **Project Name:** 311-Data **About**: 311-Data.org is a data visualization and analytics tool. We help local governments throughout the City of LA make better data-informed decisions. Come join us as we build software that democratizes data and impacts millions of people. **Volunteer Opportunity:** Back End Engineer: We're looking for dedicated and hard-working volunteers with a passion for improving our communities through data. If you're willing to learn, we're willing to train. **Tech Stack:** Python, Terraform, AWS, Docker, bash **Duration:** Open-ended **Meeting times**: Wednesdays @7:00 pm PST **Interested? Connect with us** - Slack channel link: [#311-data](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/CJY4R382X) - Slack DM: [Eric Cho - PM](https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U02E95SPK4N) [Read more about the project](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/311-data) [311-Data.org](www.311.data.org) ```
viewable code **Project Name:** 311-Data **About**: 311-Data.org is a data visualization and analytics tool. We help local governments throughout the City of LA make better data-informed decisions. Come join us as we build software that democratizes data and impacts millions of people. **Volunteer Opportunity:** Back End Engineer: We're looking for dedicated and hard-working volunteers with a passion for improving our communities through data. If you're willing to learn, we're willing to train. **Tech Stack:** Python, Terraform, AWS, Docker, bash **Duration:** Open-ended **Meeting times**: Wednesdays @7:00 pm PST **Interested? Connect with us** - Slack channel link: [#311-data](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/CJY4R382X) - Slack DM: [Eric Cho - PM](https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U02E95SPK4N) [Read more about the project](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/311-data) [311-Data.org](www.311.data.org)

Post 2

copy code ``` **Project Name:** 311-Data **About**: 311-Data.org is a data visualization and analytics tool. We help local governments throughout the City of LA make better data-informed decisions. Come join us as we build software that democratizes data and impacts millions of people. **Volunteer Opportunity:** Back End Engineer: We're looking for dedicated and hard-working volunteers with a passion for improving our communities through data. If you're willing to learn, we're willing to train. **Tech Stack:** Python, Terraform, AWS, Docker, bash **Duration:** Open-ended **Meeting times**: Wednesdays @7:00 pm PST **Interested? Connect with us** - Slack channel link: [#311-data](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/CJY4R382X) - Slack DM: [Eric Cho - PM](https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U02E95SPK4N) [Read more about the project](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/311-data) [311-Data.org](www.311.data.org) ```
viewable code **Project Name:** 311-Data **About**: 311-Data.org is a data visualization and analytics tool. We help local governments throughout the City of LA make better data-informed decisions. Come join us as we build software that democratizes data and impacts millions of people. **Volunteer Opportunity:** Back End Engineer: We're looking for dedicated and hard-working volunteers with a passion for improving our communities through data. If you're willing to learn, we're willing to train. **Tech Stack:** Python, Terraform, AWS, Docker, bash **Duration:** Open-ended **Meeting times**: Wednesdays @7:00 pm PST **Interested? Connect with us** - Slack channel link: [#311-data](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/CJY4R382X) - Slack DM: [Eric Cho - PM](https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U02E95SPK4N) [Read more about the project](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/311-data) [311-Data.org](www.311.data.org)

Post 3

copy code ``` **Project Name:** 311-Data **About**: 311-Data.org is a data visualization and analytics tool. We help local governments throughout the City of LA make better data-informed decisions. Come join us as we build software that democratizes data and impacts millions of people. **Volunteer Opportunity:** Front End Developer: We're looking for dedicated and hard-working volunteers with a passion for improving our communities through data. If you're willing to learn, we're willing to train. **Tech Stack:** JavaScript, React **Duration:** Open-ended **Meeting times**: Thursday @6:30 pm PST **Interested? Connect with us** - Slack channel link: [#311-data](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/CJY4R382X) - Slack DM: [Eric Cho - PM](https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U02E95SPK4N) [Read more about the project](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/311-data) [311-Data.org](www.311.data.org) ```
viewable code **Project Name:** 311-Data **About**: 311-Data.org is a data visualization and analytics tool. We help local governments throughout the City of LA make better data-informed decisions. Come join us as we build software that democratizes data and impacts millions of people. **Volunteer Opportunity:** Front End Developer: We're looking for dedicated and hard-working volunteers with a passion for improving our communities through data. If you're willing to learn, we're willing to train. **Tech Stack:** JavaScript, React **Duration:** Open-ended **Meeting times**: Thursday @6:30 pm PST **Interested? Connect with us** - Slack channel link: [#311-data](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/CJY4R382X) - Slack DM: [Eric Cho - PM](https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U02E95SPK4N) [Read more about the project](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/311-data) [311-Data.org](www.311.data.org)
ryanfchase commented 3 weeks ago


311Data: Open Role for: UX/UI Designer



Project Name: 311-Data

About: The 311 Data project seeks to empower local Neighborhood Councils to improve the ideation and analysis of their initiatives using the wealth of publicly available 311 data.

Volunteer Opportunity: We are looking for a committed UX/UI Designer to help us implement designs for new product requirements, as well as improve accessibility within the site. Designers on this team will be working on map interfaces and dashboards. You must have experience designing and prototyping using Figma, and be familiar with basic design and accessibility principles.

Duration: Ongoing (estimated product launch will be early 2025)

Meeting Times:

311 Data General Meeting (skipping 1st Wed of each month):

Who to communicate your interest to

Read more about the project