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migrate build tooling from webpack to Vite #1778

Open aqandrew opened 2 weeks ago

aqandrew commented 2 weeks ago


We'd like to propose an alternative build tool in order to make it easier to implement tests for our frontend testing framework

More Info (optional)

Vite is a popular open-source frontend build tool that offers HMR (hot module reloading), which means that saving changes to files during development can update the dev server almost instantly (< 50 milliseconds, source).

Hey team, I've made progress on the testing ticket #1334 (and got some unit tests working), but I've been having some difficulty configuring Babel/Jest to run further tests.

In my experience, Vite/Vitest are much simpler to set up than webpack/Jest. I got curious and wanted to see if I could replace webpack in our repo with Vite. I managed to get HMR working in about half an hour (see screen recording below!) and figured this would improve everyone's developer experience a lot.

@ryanfchase I'd like to propose deprioritizing tests in favor of upgrading our build tooling. This would be a huge win for a lot less effort, and as a bonus it will become easier to implement tests.

Action Items


hot reloading demo

⌘S is shown in the lower left corner of my screen on save; you can see that changes to AcknowledgeModal.jsx are reflected in the browser in less than a second, without triggering a reload of the entire page


ryanfchase commented 1 week ago

Assembling some notes on initial review of this ticket. ETA on notes: within the hour

ryanfchase commented 1 week ago

@aqandrew @Skydodle I'd like this ticket to move forward as a demo for the team. The deliverable will be a branch that members can check out and run locally themselves

Questions / Follow up on Action Items

Splitting up work on this ticket

Action Items for Ticket Author @aqandrew

If you're ok with the plan I've proposed...

Action for PM

Similar to above, we'll do the following once we've agreed on the plan:

ryanfchase commented 1 week ago

Follow up on above comment

I've looked into Webpack's HMR capabilities, it seems like our webpack dev server behaves more like hot reloading rather than HMR.

If we look at our dev server configurations, we are using ..., { devServer: { ..., mode: hot } }, which technically should enable HMR according to Webpack's docs.

I also had a look at a different plugin, React Hot Loader, but it may take some more time before I understand how to get HMR working as intended.

if overall build times / HMR times are better, perhaps a side-by-side comparison (either video, or timed metrics)

Seeing as you got HMR working so quickly with Vite, I can consider this question answered 😄