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Create Miro board for initial affinity mapping of CfA-related responses #153

Closed MarianneAnthonette closed 3 years ago

MarianneAnthonette commented 3 years ago


We need to set up a Miro board with tagged responses related to CfA to prepare for the initial affinity mapping session.

Action Items


Highest Priorities - Ranking

Code Query

Miro Board

MarianneAnthonette commented 3 years ago

1/31: Miro board has been set up. Only 3 post-its so far. Blocker: Codes need to be corrected so that only CfA-related responses populate the board. The next update to the board will be before the Wednesday initial affinity mapping session.

MarianneAnthonette commented 3 years ago

How to add data from an interview to the Feedback to / Relationship with CfA Miro board

Before you get started

Make sure that the interview responses are correctly coded with a CfA code (ensure that the CfA code is used properly and makes sense for the quote).


  1. Open the Miro board and navigate to the Feedback to / Relationship with CfA Miro Board.
  2. Open the Code Query sheet. Stay on this sheet.
  3. In cell B1, type CfA% and hit enter. Now the responses from the ranking sheet that have been assigned a CfA code will appear on the sheet.
  4. Find the interview responses you want to add to the Miro board by locating the interview ID in column A.
  5. Select and copy all the text cells in column C (Response) that belong to the interview.
  6. Go back to the Miro board and click on the Feedback to / Relationship with CfA Miro Board.
  7. Paste the text onto the board. It should create post-its.
    • If you are only pasting text from one cell, you need to create a post-it manually and paste the text onto it.
  8. Stay selected or reselect the post-its you've created (hold SHIFT and click on the post-its).
  9. Select the add tag icon and apply the correct tags. Refer to the Code Query sheet columns to know which tags to use specific to the interview:
    • Size (column D): Tags available - XSMALL, SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE, XLARGE
    • Interview # (column E)
  10. Unselect all the post-its.
  11. One-by-one, click on each post-it and select the add tag icon and apply the correct Questions tag. Refer to the Code Query sheet column B to know which tag to use specific to the interview.

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Baleja commented 3 years ago

This is instructions for new UXRs to analyse interviews, it should be living as a deck with some short videos, screenshots and gifs. We will record the UXR session to create an instruction deck. Then we will link this in a wiki.

MarianneAnthonette commented 3 years ago

Initial affinity mapping moved to next week (need to review the coded responses). Affinity mapping for #129 was done instead.

Baleja commented 3 years ago

We are aiming to have 3 more UXRs to complete the transcription verification training to help complete the interview transcription. Coding will need to be done within a group to make sense of the ever adapting language. As soon as bonnie OKs self training we should start recruiting.

MarianneAnthonette commented 3 years ago

Creating Interview Data Post-its on Miro

Instructions have been moved to an internal document as a resource for researchers.