hackforla / CivicTechJobs

CivicTechJobs will be a platform to help prospective volunteers find interdisciplinary projects that will be useful for their career development while contributing to positive civic impact, and also a CMS (Content Mgmt System) for Hack for LA projects to be able to list their open roles.
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API requirements #13

Closed ExperimentsInHonesty closed 2 years ago

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 3 years ago


We need to determine what data we will require and who will consume it so that we can get signoff from stakeholders and setup the wireframing team for success.

Action Items


Current tentative schema

Aveline-art commented 3 years ago

Tentative schema

From the Figma file, it seems that we would need these models:

Opportunities Item Data Type
Poster User (see below)
Job Title Char/String
Associated Project Project (see below)
Max Weekly Time Commitment Int
Min Weekly Time Commitment Int
Max Duration (Day)**** Int
Min Duration (Day)**** Int
Num of Positions Int
Description String
Posted Date DateTime
Role Role (see below)
Experience Level Experience (see below)
Required Technologies Technologies (see below)
Preferred Technologies Technologies (see below)
Project Item Data Type
Project Name Char/String
Project Leads Users
Project Description String
Project Image* String
Project Slack URLString
CoP? Boolean
Program Area Program Areas
Project Supervisory Level Supervisory Level
Events (Meeting Time) Item Data Type
Day of Week String
Start Time Time
End Time Time
Team Name** String
Project Project (see above)
Time Zone Time Zone Object
Must Roles Roles (see below)
Should Roles Roles (see below)
Could Roles Roles (see below)
Role Item Data Type
Name String
Description String
Experience Item Data Type
Name Char
Description String
Supervisory Level Item Data Type
Name Int
SDG Item Data Type
Name Int
Technologies Item Data Type
Name String
Logo Image String*
Link URLString
User (Seekers) Item Data Type
Email String
Password Hashed String
Slack Handle String
Availability String (?)
Role Role (see above)
TimeZone TimeZoneObj
User (Posters) Item Data Type
Email String
Password Hashed String
Slack Handle String
Project Projects (see above)

will have permission levels based on projects, for ex, this account can make posts for project X and Y but not Z

Admin Item Data Type
Username String
Password Hashed String
Email String

+ admin level backend permissions

*Project image will most likely be a path string that leads to where we store the site's assets in our frontend. **Team Name means the type of meeting, for example, designer meeting or developer meeting. *Please let me know if you note something missing! **If days are 0, that indicates On-going (aka no limit on duration)

Items unsure where to add to schema

program areas (?)

Note for developer: To effectively query the API from this database structure, I have included project (or more accurately project id) as a part of the Meeting Times model. My thought is that this will allow us to fetch, by say, getting the project then getting the meeting times by id. If an alternative way to model this (and the schema in general), please let me know!

Old details
## Additional questions to discuss with team 1. Do we include login data into this scheme? 2. If so, we need an admin class user. What is the scope of permissions for users who are posters and users who are job seekers? 3. Beyond the job postings and possibly users, are there other information that we anticipate would need a permanent, backend storage?
Aveline-art commented 3 years ago
Aveline-art commented 3 years ago

Next Steps from July 27, 2021

Aveline-art commented 3 years ago

Questions for the team:

1) For our users (who are job posters), will they be given one account per person who applies, or one per project?

Aveline-art commented 3 years ago
  1. Frontend needs to account for usertime zone when displaying meeting times.
  2. Sign in by google/github acc
  3. VRMS is the single source for user data, how does permissions end up getting transferred over to our database? How would security work?
  4. How to host our website?
Aveline-art commented 3 years ago
Aveline-art commented 3 years ago
Aveline-art commented 3 years ago

To add to schema: some way to note whether or not a certain meeting is required or recommended for the indicated role. This will let us filter smarter because we should not filter based on all meeting times (because if there are 6 meetings, we should not filter by all of them, only the required ones)

Aveline-art commented 3 years ago

Question: Is there a difference between a CoP and a Project? CoP also needs to have open roles and are looking for volunteers as well. Should CoP be an inherited class of Project? How do we make sure that CoP object can be used on the landing page as well as a job posting?

Aveline-art commented 3 years ago
Aveline-art commented 2 years ago

Code for https://dbdiagram.io/d

// Creating tables
Table opportunities {
  id int [pk, increment] // auto-increment
  poster int [ref: - user_poster.id]
  job_title varchar
  project int [ref: - project.id]
  max_commitment int [note: 'hours per week']
  min_commitment int [note: 'hours per week']
  max_duration int [note: 'days total']
  min_duration int [note: 'days total']
  positions_available int
  description varchar
  posted_date datetime [default: `now()`]
  role int [ref: - role.id]
  experience int [ref: - experience.id, note: 'experience level']
  required_tech int [ref: < technologies.id]
  preferred_tech int [ref: < technologies.id]

Table project {
  id int [pk, increment]
  name varchar
  leads int // [ref: < user.id]
  description varchar
  image_path varchar [note: 'image path']
  slack_url varchar [note: 'url string']
  is_COP boolean // can this also be a separate class, that inherits from project?
  program_area int [ref: < program_area.id]
  supervisory_level supervisory_level
  sdg int [ref: < sdg.id]

Table meetings {
  day_of_week weekdays
  start_time datetime
  end_time datetime
  team_name string [note: 'ex: developer']
  project int [ref: - project.id]
  timezone timezone
  must_roles int [ref: < role.id]
  should_roles int [ref: < role.id]
  could_roles int [ref: < role.id]

Table role {
  id int [pk, increment]
  name varchar
  description varchar

Table experience {
  id int [pk, increment]
  name varchar
  description varchar

// note, will expand in the future
Table sdg {
  id int [pk, increment]

Table technologies {
  id int [pk, increment]
  name varchar
  web_link url
  image_path path

Table user_seeker {
  id int [pk, increment]
  email varchar [note: 'email @string']
  slack varchar [note: 'slack @string']
  availability varchar // unsure
  role int [ref: - role.id]
  timezone timezone

// Should this be combined with seekers? Or a separate class made by inheritance?
Table user_poster {
  id int [pk, increment]
  email varchar [note: 'email @string']
  slack varchar [note: 'slack @string']
  project_permissions int [ref: < project.id]

Table program_area {
  id int [pk, increment]

Enum supervisory_level {

Enum weekdays {

Enum timezone {
Aveline-art commented 2 years ago

Meeting with VRMS October 25, 2021

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

Project Table

projectname : Char/String projectDescription : String githubOrgId : number (8 characters) githubPrimaryRepoId: number (9 characters) githubOrgUrl : String URL githubPrimaryUrl: String URL currentProjectStatus: (see Status Table) Hide: Boolean location: string createdDate: Date format statusHistory: (see Project Status Records Table) slackUrl: URLString googleDriveUrl googleDriveId hflaWebsiteUrl: String URL (links to a specific page, such as https://www.hackforla.org/projects/100-automations) partners: (see partner table) programAreas: String (see program area table) SDGs: projectLeads: (see association table) ProjectImageLogo: String ProjectImageHero: ProjectImageIcon: //a tiny image that is square for linking to the project from other sites)

Project Status Records Table

projectId changedDate status

Project and Program Area Status

Active OnHold Completed Closed

Partners Table

name logo status

Partner Project Join Table

Many to many - some partners help with several projects and projects do have multiple partners

Program Area Table

name: description: status:

names for Program Areas are Citizen Engagement Civic Tech Infrastructure Diversity / Equity and Inclusion Environment Justice Social Safety Net Vote / Representation Workforce Development Community of Practice

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

Recurring Events Schema

projectId: (number see Project Table) name: String location: (see location table) type: (see event type table) brigadeId: number dayOfWeek: String recurrInterval: (daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly) monthWeek: (week of month for meeting (predefined in model first, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, last) startTime: durationInMin: Number dateCreated: dateLastUpdated: videoConferenceUrl: URL String mustRoles: Array of Role Ids (see Roles Table) shouldRoles : Array of Role Ids (see Roles Table) couldRoles: Array of Role Ids (see Roles Table) additional information: String

Brigade ID Table

brigageId: Number name: String timeZone: String

Roles Table

Event type

teamMeeting onboarding mixer specialEvent communityOfPractice

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

User Table

nameFirst: String nameLast: String gmail: String (email validation) preferedEmail: createdDate: UserStatus: (see User Status Table) practiceAreaCurrent: (see Practice Area Table) jobTitleCurrent: user’s current professional/non-HfLA job practiceAreaTarget: (see Practice Area Table) - can choose multiple jobTitleTarget: String

DesiredRoles user’s desired contributor roles at HfLA (structured and comes from the CivicTechJobs data) - Talk to Ava about it.

CurrentSkills user’s current skills they want to use as a volunteer TargetSkills user’s target skills to acquire as a volunteer LinkedinAccount user’s public linkedin profile URL referredBy: (see Referrer Table) firstAttended: Date githubHandle: (make sure it does not include https://github.com/) phone: textingOk: Boolean slackID: Number (specific number of chars) isHflaGithubMember: Boolean github2FA: Boolean githubMembershipPublic: Boolean availability: (see Brigade/GMT Time Bucket Table) This is translated into GMT on the way in. (see https://github.com/hackforla/CivicTechJobs/issues/13#issuecomment-973075582) TimeZone: TimeZoneObj Conduct: Boolean GoogleOrgCheck: DateObj SlackOrgCheck: DateObj GitHubOrgCheck: DateObj Last Modified: DateObj Password: Hashed String

User Status Table

Id, name, descriptionString

, inactive, an inactive member is someone who has not checked into their project for 4 weeks and does not have a timeAwayHold

, active, Any member that is checking into meetings

, timeAwayHold, A hold placed by the member or their leader after they have announced a temporary absence

, barred, A member who has been removed from the community

Brigade/GMT Time Bucket Table

BrigadeId, name, startTime, endTime 1, earlyMorning, 2:00PM, 5:00PM 1, morning, 5:00PM, 8:00PM 1, afternoon, 8:00PM, 1:00AM 1, evening, 1:00PM, 5:00AM

Association table (join table)

1 record for every permission granted example Bonnie is on 10 teams, she has at least 10 records, more if she got upgraded permission for any of those teams. When permissions are upgraded, it creates a new record, and updates the old permission record to add date ended. each record contains: userId projectId accessLevel roleName (see Roles table) dateGranted dateEnded

Association History Table

All records that have dateEnded from the Association table will be moved here 1:12 Pacific Time

Permissions table

see notes from VRMS document adminVrms adminBrigade adminProject member

Practice Area Table (bonnie to add all practice areas)


Referrer Table

name url category contactName contactEmail

Example content: Springboard, https://springboard.com, bootcamp, Joe, joe@springboard.com UCLA Cognitive Psychology Friend Mentor Google Meetup Code for America Code for All

Referrer Category Table

Bootcamp College Career Center Mentor Friend Active Volunteer Inactive Volunteer

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

Checkins Table

JoinIDEvent connects to associated event object JoinIDUser connects to associated user object Time date and time of check-in


EventName event’s title JoinIDProject active project an event is a child of, if any (structured) Description event’s sentence-length description videoConferenceUrl: event’s Zoom/Google Meet/etc. Link (uses default link from recurring and can be changed) Location (see location table) altLocationName Name of event location altAddress1 Address L1 of event location altAddress2 Address L2 of event location altLocCity City of event location altLocState State of event location (structured) altLocZip Zipcode of event location Start time event’s date and time to start durationOfMeetingIn Min templateID event’s join ID connecting it to recurring instances for future editing creationDateTime time of event creation

FAQ Table

ID, Q, A, toolTipName, dateAdded, lastUpdated

FAQ viewed Table

FAQID, Customer, Date

Review the vrms 0.4 schema models https://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/tree/development/backend/models

Location Table

iD, name, address

, online, Street 1, Street2, City, State, Zip, phone

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

Roles Table

roleId roleName roleDescription roleResponsibilities roleQualifications created lastUpdated

Role and Community of Practice Join Table

role id projectId(limited to CoPs) date created

users of role data

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

Meeting Times

drubgrubby commented 2 years ago

Not Included from VRMS:

User table:

V3 accessLevel: { type: String, default: "user" } // We're making a join table newMember: { type: Boolean }, attendanceReason: { type: String }, projects: // Creating join table managedProjects: // This will be in join table

v4 LocationZone ActiveStatus IsAdmin

Project Table

v3 projectStatus: // join table completedDate: videoConferenceLink: lookingDescription: recruitingCategories: partners: // join table managedByUsers:

v4 LocationZone // we have location Partner external organization partnering to sponsor project // join table PartnerURL URL for partner org DefaultConfURL Technologies project’s technologies in use for user skills matching Languages project’s languages in use for user skills matching MainImageAltText alternative text for main/cover image BackgroundImageAltText alt text for hero/background image URLReadme URLWiki URLwebsite project’s public independent website URL URL2 additional URL field for HfLA website e.g., demo site URL2Label label describing URL2 SeekingRoles roles project is currently recruiting for (structured) SeekingDescription description of additional recruiting details LastModified ProjectDone time of project completion

Recurring Events

V3 hacknight: description: checkInReady:

v4 Description HostUserId Address1 Address L1 of event location Address2 Address L2 of event location LocCity City of event location LocState State of event location (structured) LocZip Zipcode of event location


v3 hacknight: eventType: checkInReady: owner: recurringEventLink:

v4 HostUserId Time zone


v3 checkedIn

Project Membership

v3 Does not exist

v4 Status GithubAdmin GoogleDriveOn successfully added (editor) to project top level G-Drive folder (boolean) GithubTeamOn successfully added to correct level of project GitHub team (boolean) SlackOn successfully added to project Slack channel (boolean) CheckTimeProj time of last check for user’s project Slack, Google, Github connection endReason

Aveline-art commented 2 years ago

Link to the data tables provided by the peoplesDepot project: https://lucid.app/publicSegments/view/7531ed46-77d2-4b91-a09c-b18f9f210980/image.png

Aveline-art commented 2 years ago

Migrated to: https://github.com/hackforla/peopledepot/issues/2#issuecomment-994192440

Aveline-art commented 2 years ago

Closed because completed. Further work has been moved to hackforla/peopledepot#2