hackforla / CivicTechJobs

CivicTechJobs will be a platform to help prospective volunteers find interdisciplinary projects that will be useful for their career development while contributing to positive civic impact, and also a CMS (Content Mgmt System) for Hack for LA projects to be able to list their open roles.
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(Roles) Qualifier page revisions #193

Closed jenchuu closed 1 year ago

jenchuu commented 2 years ago


As a designer, we will delete the banner to decrease confusion and options user can take on page so user focuses on main task of filling out desired roles.

Action Items


Design prioritization/breakdown

sdimran commented 2 years ago

@stephaniestahlberg , from the research, was one of the other concerns that users did not understand what the wording of the blurb was referring too while they were on the qualifier page? this would line up with the knowledge gap we discussed regarding "how to join". the current text of "Please log in or attend onboarding with Hack for LA to see full details of available opportunities." without the prior knowledge of how to join might be confusing the users who read it.

stephaniestahlberg commented 2 years ago

@sdimran Correct, the text can be difficult to understand without prior knowledge of the "how to join" steps. Clearing up those steps early on might resolve the problem on the banner's language. Another finding was that many users missed the banner altogether. Which is what I understand this issue is about. Drawing more attention to the banner would help remind the user that they will need to attend onboarding to see full details.

jenchuu commented 2 years ago

Due to timing, we will be moving forward with the below for MVP.

Qualifier Role page

Roles qualifier page V11

Notable changes:

Ready for review column: @sdimran @sharadgaurav7 @salimays @Aveline-art Please advise if approved or if the PMs or Devs have any feedback/concerns before I handoff to Dev team. Thanks

sdimran commented 2 years ago

Im okay with the above, no concerns for MVP1 here. @Aveline-art @jenchuu if you're both okay then lets move forward with this style for role page.

@jenchuu were you still intending on uploading the bubble selection we went over in the leads meeting?

jenchuu commented 2 years ago

@sdimran Yes, please see new, simpler roles multi-chip selection.

@Aveline-art LMK if any concerns with this; I've added to Dev Handoff page in Figma: Roles Qualifier Page DEV Handoff

**One thing: do we have up-to-date list of roles data? I wasn't sure what is up to date... and for Ops I put placeholder text for now. Devs can update with real data and let me know so I can reflect that in the designs later.

jenchuu commented 2 years ago

Screenshots of V12 calendar qualifier page for handoff documentation:

Roles qualifier page V12 HANDOFF
Aveline-art commented 2 years ago

@jenchuu For the most part, we can handle displaying the role data once we have a general gist of how the text will be arranged. If interested, the list is here: https://github.com/hackforla/CivicTechJobs/issues/252#issuecomment-1140513933

sdimran commented 2 years ago

@jenchuu please update with a view without the data element (showing the # of positions per role)

jenchuu commented 2 years ago

@sdimran @Aveline-art Update below: Roles qualifier page V12 HANDOFF 2

stephaniestahlberg commented 2 years ago

@sdimran @jenchuu as requested, here is the list of roles at HfLA we have reviewed with Bonnie in the past: it's the 6th question in the new volunteer survey. Besides these roles, there was one entry under "Other" in another one of our surveys for "Content."

Screen Shot 2022-07-12 at 10 08 28 PM
jenchuu commented 2 years ago

Updated based on list of roles provided by Stephanie... can you confirm if I have these in the correct CoP categories? @sdimran @ExperimentsInHonesty

Roles qualifier page V12 HANDOFF 3

jenchuu commented 2 years ago

Per our conversation at team lead planning meeting, we are taking away Lead chips!

@sdimran to confirm what the correct list of roles and which categories they belong in... Do we add UX Writing? Create category for Other: Marketing, Writing?

sdimran commented 2 years ago

UX writing = writing under UX Create new CoP called "Community Management"

sdimran commented 2 years ago

clickable prototype to test each view for what users like best (chip vs dropdown) @hkimsummer @adriennedomasin @jenchuu

jenchuu commented 2 years ago

UX writing = writing under UX Create new CoP called "Community Management" - community managers - marketing professional - fundraising - administrative staff

To confirm from our last meeting, we are NOT creating/adding the new CoP at this time right?

jenchuu commented 2 years ago

Below is updated Role chips (and what Gabe is using for the Multi-chip Role prototype):

Roles qualifier page V12 HANDOFF 4
sdimran commented 1 year ago

Ops is used for devops, can be changed to can be Orchestration, administration, Organizational Development. we can test this

jenchuu commented 1 year ago

@sdimran Ops for the CoP? Is it not just short for Operations? Not DevOps in Engineering right?

jenchuu commented 1 year ago

Below is updated Role multi-chip design. Changed the outline of the chip from black to dark blue for active unselected state. Also added the Community Management CoP... @sdimran Do we have an icon for this yet?

Screen Shot 2022-09-18 at 7 22 10 PM

sdimran commented 1 year ago

Hey Jen, apologies for the ambiguous note. i was taking down notes while talking to bonnie during the meeting and didnt submit the rest of them. I just yesterday started feeling better but here they are below:

to answer your question, Ops is for operations yes but speaking to bonnie a better name was needed so lets discuss which of those 3 names we want to go with at our next team meeting. devOps notes is below but it will need to be a separate CoP

additional feedback after going through the page:

under each CoP, there should be CoP lead role (ie. UX practice Lead, Engineering Practice Lead etc.)

Product management should have the following roles : https://github.com/hackforla/product-management/labels?q=role

suggestion from bonnie : for the chips, we can add a small empty checkbox in the chip to indicate that it is clickable based on feedback from users. or we can add an 'x' on the right side once someone has selected it to indicate that pressing there will unselect. see example below https://www.hackforla.org/?programs=Citizen+Engagement image

for CM CoP, i wasnt able to find that view during our meeting i think it hadn't been added yet so we didnt get a chance to discuss icons for it unfortunately. lets keep a placeholder for now and i will make note to bring it up in the next PM/Stakeholder meeting

jenchuu commented 1 year ago

@sdimran @salimays Thanks for explaining and linking to roles. Unfortunately now there are duplicate roles in several CoPs. Can you advise where each role should be?

Data Engineer role is in Data Science and DevOps now per the links given Special Projects Coordinator role is in Product Management and Org Development (Prev Ops) Fundraising role is in Org Development (Prev Ops) and Community Management

Also edited design to make it easier for users to understand these are multi-select chips:

Screen Shot 2022-10-04 at 6 56 01 PM

Aveline-art commented 1 year ago

Ops is used for devops, can be changed to can be Orchestration, administration, Organizational Development. we can test this

@sdimran This is way too long, and would require a lot of lift for this single edge case. What do you mean by test this?

salimays commented 1 year ago

@sdimran @salimays Thanks for explaining and linking to roles. Unfortunately now there are duplicate roles in several CoPs. Can you advise where each role should be?

Data Engineer role is in Data Science and DevOps now per the links given Special Projects Coordinator role is in Product Management and Org Development (Prev Ops) Fundraising role is in Org Development (Prev Ops) and Community Management

Also edited design to make it easier for users to understand these are multi-select chips:

  • Added + in front of text for active, unselected chips (with blue outline instead of grey so looks less disabled)
  • Kept CHECKMARK in front of text for active, selected chips

Screen Shot 2022-10-04 at 6 56 01 PM

@sdimran @jenchuu After discussing this issue with Bonnie, her input is the following:

kcoronel commented 1 year ago

@jenchuu can we close this issue?